- pass a bill with division 表决通过提案
- Confidence has also been rattled by plans to pass a bill letting unions organise without a secret ballot. 又一议案传来,工会无需不记名投票即可组织,信心再度受挫。
- Instead of working with my Administration to enact this funding increase for children's health, Democrats in Congress have decided to pass a bill they know will be vetoed. 我领导的政府致力于颁布这一为孩子们的健康增加资金的政策,与此相反,议会中的民主党人却决心通过一个他们明知会被否决的议案。
- Children learn about how are laws are made in Congress, when the Squeaker of the House and the Senate Mouse-jority leader must pass a bill to establish a national cheese! 在这本书中,作者以老鼠为主角来描写美国的法案如何通过及宪法如何修改的民主过程。小朋友可以从中学到民主的经验。适合6岁以上儿童阅读。
- Senator Kennedy and Republican senator Nancy Kassebaum of Kansas would pass a bill guaranteeing that workers wouldn't lose their insurance when they changed jobs. 参议员肯尼迪和来自堪萨斯州的共和党参议员南希.;卡斯鲍姆后来通过了一项法案,确保工人更换工作时,不会失去他们的医保。
- He can pay the bill with a cheque if he likes. 他要是愿意的话,可以用支票付这笔帐单。
- Seiko Noda, who heads an LDP study group that is drafting the legislation, said the target was to pass a bill by the end of the next ordinary Diet session in June 2008. 自民党负责起草这一立法的研究小组组长野田圣子(SeikoNoda)表示,目标是在2008年6月下届日本“通常国会”结束前通过相关法案。
- Please continue to pay your bills in the normal manner until you receive a bill with “AUTOPAY” printed on it. 请继续照常缴费,直至收到印有“自动转账”的账单为止。
- You can pay the bill with a cheek if you like. 你若愿意的话可用支票来付账。
- There is a difference in politics between proposing an item and passing a bill. 在政治上提出条款项目和通过法案是有差别的。
- The president passed a bill to raise the budget of the defense program. 总统通过了一项议案来提高防御计划的预算。
- When the House passes a bill in hotheaded haste, the Senate cools it down. 当众议院性急火燎地通过一项法案,参议员使它冷下来。
- Can I pay my bill with a traveler's check? 我可以有旅行支票付账吗?
- He paid the bill with a paper currency. 他用一张纸币付了帐。
- The House has yet to pass a bill, but it willprobably include most of this tosh, as well as subsidies for the pettechnologies of various congressmen, perhaps including a particularlygrubby fuel derived from coal. 众议院将会通过一个议案,但是议案很可能会包括大部分的那些陈词滥调,以及那些国会议员们钟爱的技术,也许还包括从煤炭中提取肮脏的能源的技术。
- No sooner had I sat down than the waitress came to me with a bill of fare. 我刚刚坐下,服务小姐就拿着一个菜单向我走来。
- He could never pass a street fight without pitching in. 每次街头斗殴他总是在其中大打出手。
- The old lady felt so disappointed that she placed a match to the bill with trembling fingers. 那位老妇人非常伤心,她用颤抖的手指划着火柴,烧掉了那张支票。
- The store sent me a bill for $50. 那家商店寄给我一张五十美元的帐单。
- The drawee must be named or otherwise indicated in a bill with reasonable certainty. 汇票必须载明付款人姓名(名称)或以其他方法相当确实表明之。