- And I will encamp around My house because of an army, Because of him who passes by and returns; And no oppressor will pass over them any more; For now I see with My eyes. 8我必在我家的四围安营,使敌军不得往返经过;欺压人的必不再临到他们;因为我如今亲眼看顾我的家。
- They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他们对她的粗话不予理会。
- He happened to pass by there at that time. 他那时恰好从那里路过。
- The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes. 老板决定原谅他的小错。
- You should never let an opportunity pass by. 你不应该错过任何机会。
- The president has the power of veto over bill pass by congress. 总统对国会通过的议案拥有否决权。
- He was passed over in favour of a younger man. 没考虑提升他而提升了一个小伙子。
- I all see them pass by this house every day. 每天我都看见他们路过这所房子。
- Doyle was passed over for promotion. 多伊尔未被考虑提升。
- He was passed over by the Army Promotion Board . 他遭到陆军晋级委员会的忽视。
- A carriage and four was passing by. 一辆由四匹马拖的马车通过。
- The new freeway will pass over the lake. 新的高速公路将越过湖面。
- She passed by with only a distant nod. 她只冷淡地点了一下头就走了过去。
- He was passed over by the Army Promotion Board. 他遭到陆军晋级委员会的忽视(他该升级而未获晋升)。
- We may as well pass over the details. 细节我们不妨略而不谈。
- A motion was passed by the Commons yesterday. 昨天下议院通过了一个动议。
- The bill passed by a narrow squeak. 议案勉强通过了。
- I think we'd better pass over that last remark. 我想我们最好不要理会最后那句话。
- The message was passed by an oracle. 这个信息是由传神谕者传递的。
- He gave me a cheery wink as I passed by. 我走过的时候他亲切地朝我眨眨眼睛。