- particular service requirement 特殊使用条件
- See quality of service requirement. 请参见服务质量要求。
- In the Work Item Type column, select Quality of Service Requirement. 在“工作项类型”列中选择“服务质量要求”。
- The medium wetted parts can be manufactured in special materials for particular service conditions. 特殊的使用环境下,与介质接触部分也可以用特殊材料生产。
- A test that ensures that the performance quality of service requirement is met. 确保满足性能服务质量要求的测试。
- The Fax service requires this information. 传真服务需要该信息。
- When you sign up for a particular service that requires registration, we ask you to provide personal information. 在您注册使用某项要求注册的服务时,我们会要求您提供个人信息。
- The quality of service requirement you entered previously should be listed. 此时应该列出您以前输入的服务质量要求。
- Server is a computer or a program that provides a particular service on a network or on the Internet. 服务器是在网(或因特网)上,能提供某种具体服务的计算机或程序。
- Other applications can check whether a particular service exists on the bus and can ask the bus to start it if it doesn t. 其他应用程序可以检查在总线上是否已经存在一个特定的服务,如果没有可以要求总线启动它。
- The presence of this SID prompts a check on the resource domain to ensure that the user is allowed to authenticate to the particular service. 此SID将提示对资源域进行检查,以确保用户能够对特定服务进行身份验证。
- This process involves creating an instance for each service, with each consisting of a SOAP request for that particular service. 这个过程需要为每个服务创建一个实例,而且每个实例都包含特定服务的SOAP请求。
- The lifetime of any particular service instance can be negotiated and extended as required by components that are dependent on or manage that service. 您可以根据依赖或管理该服务的组件的需要,确定和扩展任何特殊服务实例的生命周期。
- Bronze, stainless steel, and galvanized steel are also extensively used for specific types of buildings and particular service. 青铜、不锈钢、镀锌钢也广泛用于特定类型和专门用途的建筑物。
- A rough order of magnitude estimate establishes an approximate cost for a scenario or quality of service requirement. 通过粗数量级估计可获知某方案或服务质量要求的大致成本。
- During the dog-eat-dog age, IBN Company offers many manufactures particular choice by excellent equipments and particular service. 在这群雄并起、竞争激烈的时代,伊本公司以优良的设备、独特的服务,为广大厂商提供独特的选择。
- A test that ensures that the functionality called for in a scenario or quality of service requirement is working. 确保方案或服务质量要求中所要求的功能有效的测试。
- But the Air Force wants to ensure unmanned aircraft don't just serve a particular service or mission.And Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. 但是美国空军不只是希望无人飞机服务于特定的部门或者是执行特定的任务。
- Do the contract terms clearly detail the service requirements? 合约条款有否详列服务水准的要求?
- Do the contract terms detail the service requirements? 合约有否详列服务水准的要求?