- It is a partial eclipse of the sun. 有时候,只有部分日轮被遮挡住,那就不是日全食,而是日偏食。
- During one of the battles,there was a partial eclipse of the sun. 一场战役中发生了日偏食。
- Those places not in the direct path will see a partial eclipse from the moon's penumbral shadow. 不是月球路径直接通过的国家和地区,将只能看到月球半遮影的部分日蚀。
- The limits of the Moon's penumbral shadow define the region of visibility of the partial eclipse. 半影区的界限详细定义了日偏食的可视区域。
- Hong Kong will experience another large-scale partial eclipse in early 2010 and a rare annular event in 2012. 香港将可于2010年初再次见到大型偏食,更可以于2012年一睹罕见的日环食。
- They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse, and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun's lower half. 他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。
- Approximately 400 km north of the path, the Taj Mahal in Agra experiences a deep partial eclipse of magnitude 0.906 at 00:56 UT. 距路径北边近乎400公里,TajMahal位于印度北方城市Agra,于00:56UT其将经历亮度为0.;096的全食。
- A partial eclipse will be visible in eastern South America, Africa, Europe, most parts of Asia and Oceania on August 17th 2008 (August 16th in UTC). 在2008年8月17日(世界协调时8月16日),除了北美洲以外世界大部分地方均可见到一次月偏食。
- Director Qin Rui introduced: The child partial eclipse, is because when his food habit is a white paper, the custom has not recuperated. 秦锐主任介绍:孩子偏食,是因为在他的饮食习惯还是一张白纸时,习惯没有养好。
- It turned into a total eclipse for less than a minute, completely casting portions of the Earth into darkness, before returning to a partial eclipse as it moved eastward. 然后在不到一分钟的时间就变成日全蚀了,此时阴影完全笼罩地球的部分区域;然后太阳往东行后才又回到偏食的状态。
- However, as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth, it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse. 但由于整个月球会经过地球的半影,在接近月偏食时,月球会明显较暗。
- Figure 1 is an orthographic projection map of Earth (adapted from Espenak 1987) showing the path of penumbral (partial eclipse) and umbral (total eclipse) shadows. 图一是地球图示的垂直视角,显示了半影和全影区(于1987年修订)。
- Only observers near the center of the dark circle see a total solar eclipse - others see a partial eclipse where only part of the Sun appears blocked by the Moon. 只有在离黑圈的中心很近才能看见完全的日食-其余的人只能看见部分日食由于太阳看起来只是遮住了月亮的一部分。
- A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean. 在更宽泛的月球半影的阴影内,人们可见日偏食,其中包括亚洲的大部分地区,印度尼西亚和太平洋。
- A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean (Figures 1 and 2). 在大部分地区可以看见日偏食,包括大部分东亚国家,印度尼西亚和太平洋的绝大多数岛屿。
- The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse, the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near, the greater the extent of the partial eclipse. 被月球半影扫过的地带均可以看到日偏食,在偏食区内离全食区越近,偏食的程度就越大。
- People in Europe, Africa or the Middle East, who had the best view of the last total lunar eclipse in March, won't see this one because the moon will have set when the partial eclipse begins at 4:51 am EDT. 欧洲、非洲和中东地区的人观测不到此次月全蚀,因为月偏蚀在美国东部夏令时间早上4:51开始,那时那边的月亮已经落山了。
- The exterior tangency points P1 and P4 mark the coordinates where the penumbral shadow first contacts (partial eclipse begins) and last contacts (partial eclipse ends) Earth's surface. 表面接触点P1和P4所处的坐标位置为第一次接触半影区和最后一次接触。
- A partial eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are not exacty in line and the Moon only partially obscures the Sun. 当月球运行到地球与太阳之间时,被月球阴影外侧的半影覆盖的地区,所见到的太阳的一部分被月球挡住,就会发生日偏食。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。