- The subordination of partial and local interests to the overall interest is the core of the overall view. 局部利益服从全局利益是大局观的核心;因时因地、随机应变为大局观的灵魂;
- We must balance overall and local interests. 必须坚持处理好全局和局部的关系。
- partial and local interests 局部利益
- The use of metaphors can either be partial and local or pervasive and universal in poems. 有些诗是个别地方采用比,而有些则是整个形象都是比;
- My favorite word is coordinated , specifically to avoid people because of asymmetric information and local interests to maximize the limitations arising from wastage of resources. 我喜欢的词语是协调,具体来说就是处理人们因为信息不对称和局部利益最大化局限而带来的资源浪费。
- Devotion to local interests and customs. 乡土观念对地方兴趣及风格的热心
- They are of a partial and transitory nature. 是部分性质的,暂时性质的。
- But he is worried about vested local interests. 但是,他对当地特权存有顾虑。
- Do you have to pay state and local taxes in China? 在中国向地方和国家都得缴税吗?
- Hold both national and local press conferences. 举办全国性和地区性新闻发布会。
- Discusses global and local transformations. 讨论全局变换和局部变换。
- Tint--- color drain and local area enhancement. 部分颜色衰减并使局部颜色增强。
- Relate to forecast and local knowledge. 结合气象预报与当地经验。
- There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors. 社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。
- Installation procedures must comply with all state and local codes. 安装程序必须符合所有州或当地的规程。
- Audiences are offered a good variety of imported and local films. 电影商为观众提供了林林总总的外国及本地电影。
- A local community organized with a government for promoting local interests. 乡镇公所由政府组织的地方公社,以增加地方利益
- Both central and local authorities may consider these matters. 这些,中央可以考虑,地方也可以考虑。
- We put more emphasis on modules and localization. 我们更多的强调了模块和局限。
- Both central and local initiative should be brought into play. 发挥中央和地方两个积极性。