- partial and complete negation 部分和全部否定
- And obvious degranulation can be seen.Electric microscopy shows that mast cells are round, oval and spindle-shape.In lesion partial and complete degranulaion can be seen. 电镜结果显示肥大细胞呈圈形、椭圆形或梭形,病变黏膜组织中肥大细胞部分呈空泡状,即完全性脱颗粒,部分颗粒内残留一些物质,即部分性脱颗粒。
- The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 这些开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。
- They are of a partial and transitory nature. 是部分性质的,暂时性质的。
- Tick and complete where applicable. 在适当的空格处打勾
- Listen and complete Peter's timetable. 听一听,完成彼得的时间安排表。
- Look at the chart and complete the dialogue. 三、补全对话。
- Look at the picture and complete the dialogue. 看图完成对话。
- Look at the picture and complete the sentences. 看图完成句子。
- Roll forward to the end of logs and complete. 前滚到日志的结束,然后完成备份。
- Conduct and complete safety related rules in plant. 指导和完成各项公司安全规定。
- He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out. 他朝那特务的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。
- A partial shadow, as in an eclipse, between regions of complete shadow and complete illumination. 半影在完全阴影和完全照明区之间被部分遮挡的阴影,如在月蚀中
- III. Listen and complete the conversation. 听录音,完成对话。
- VI. Look at the map and complete the dialogue. 看地图,完成对话。
- Your homework must be clear and complete. 你的作业应当清楚完整。
- Listen and complete the invitation card. 听一听,填邀请函。
- Walsh functions are orthogonal and complete. 1923年美国数学家沃尔什(WALSH)提出的沃尔什函数就是一种正交完备的函数系。
- Ensure billing are accurate and complete. 确定开出账单的准确性和和完整性的。
- We have overcome every objection and completed the mission on time. 我们排除了各种障碍,并按时完成了任务。