- He got through college by working part time. 他通过半工半读上完了大学.
- I'm only a part time teacher in the institute. 我只是这个学院的兼职教师。
- I'm looking for a part time job. 我正在找兼职工作。
- The dateline of application of part time job in college is 3/4/2009 (Friday). 有关清寒工读生的申请将会在3/4/2009(星期五)截止。
- His mother and father are both college teachers. 他的父母都是大学教师。
- I am looking for a part time job in an oil company. 我在找一个石油公司里的非全日性工作。
- My dream is to become a college teacher. 我的梦想是成为一名大学教师。
- Part time barman required. Hours and negotiable. 招聘兼职酒店保安,工作时间和薪水面议。
- I presents this gift to my beloved college teacher. 我把这些礼物奉赠给了大学的恩师。
- Do you plan to find a part time job in the summer? 你暑假打算打工吗?
- She's looking for a part time job. 她在寻找兼职工作。
- Will you have a part time job when you study in UK? 你在英国期间是否打工?
- Sometimes a resource can only work part time. 有些时候资源只能兼职工作。
- Young college teachers were rewarded for excellent job performance. 高校青年教师因工作优秀而受奖励。
- He had an excess income from his part time job. 他通过兼职有一份额外的收入。
- I'm still in close contact with my college teachers. 我现在跟大学老师还经常联系。
- I need a part time job because of lacking money. 我需要一份兼职工作,是因为缺钱。
- You've been a part time model, haven't you? 你曾做过业余模特儿,是吗?
- Can you work full time or part time? 经: 您准备专任还是兼任(会计工作)?
- What do you think of part time job? 你对打工怎样看待?