- part from home district 离别故园
- I haven't kept up with news from home lately. 最近我对家里的情况一无所知。
- He enticed the young girl away from home. 他把那小女孩诱惑得离开了家。
- You will find our hotel a true home from home! 本旅社将使你感到宾至如归!
- He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. 他十三岁那年就离家出走了。
- He yearned after letters from home. 他期盼家里来信。
- In a wayward mood, he ran away from home. 他任性地离家出走了。
- They enticed a young girl away from home. 他们诱骗了一个少女离家出走。
- He enticed the girl away from home. 他引诱这个女孩离家出走。
- I shall defer replying till I hear from home. 我将等接到家信以后再给你答复。
- Famine hit his home district last year. 去年他老家闹了灾荒。
- He hasn't been away from home before. 以前他从没有离开过家。
- He has been abroad since he parted from me. 自从他离开我後,他一直在海外。
- He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
- It was hard for him to part from his girlfriend. 要他与女友离别很难。
- Now I am going to part from her. 现在我和她就要分道扬镳了。
- I could not stand parting from her. 我不能承受和她分别。
- He has been away from home since the end of last year. 自从去年年底以来他一直不在家。
- The stool is too high,cut a part from it. 凳子太高,截一块去。
- A cat that had strayed far from home. 一只已经走失很远的猫