To perform a weld, the wire to be welded is held in the attachment pliers, and the magnet electrode is connected to the base material. 为了执行焊接,被焊接的电线放在焊接钳上,磁体电极和基体材料连在一起。
Effects of porosity on the material performance of chopped high modulus carbon fiber reinforced carbon composites and carbon materials were studied. 研究了短切高模碳纤维增强碳复合材料和碳基体材料气孔率对材料力学性能的影响。
Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing. 能量和原材料价格飞涨。
The price of raw material falls. 原材料的价格在下跌。
Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic processes on soil parent material. 土壤的形成,或成土作用,是综合效应的物理,化学,生物和人为过程对土壤母质。
Elements characteristics of parent rocks and their relation to banana quality in Tianbao banana orchards,Zhangzhou were analyzed. 对漳州天宝香蕉种植区成土母质的元素特征及其与香蕉品质关系进行分析。