- parcels tied with cord 用绳子捆扎的包裹.
- The parcel was tied with string. 这个包裹用绳子捆着。
- These parcels are tied with black ribbon. 这些包裹用黑色缎带捆扎。
- The bundle was tied with a cord. 包裹用绳子绑着。
- Britain are tied with Italy for second place. 英国队和意大利队并列第二。
- The package was tied with gay ribbons. 包裹用色彩鲜艳的丝带捆扎好。
- I can wear a red tie with a pink shire if I want to. What of it? 我愿意的话,我可以扎红色领带,穿粉红色衬衫,那又有什么不行呢?
- There were white cotton curtains and blue hangings tied with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and marble pillars, as well as couches of gold and silver upon a pavement of porphyry, white marble, mother-of-pearl, and mosaics. 6有白色棉织的幔子、蓝色的挂帐,用细麻绳、紫色绳系在银环和白玉石柱上,有金银的床榻摆在斑岩、白玉石、珠母、黑玉石铺的石地上。
- Do not allow to replace crossbeam with cord. 不允许用绳子替代横梁。
- Can I wear this tie with my blue shirt? 我穿蓝衬衫能系这条领带吗?
- They want to loosen their ties with Britain. 他们想要削弱同英国的关系。
- Lover 's purse is tied with cobweb . 情人钱袋蛛丝系。
- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- I tied with you for the second place. 我和你并列第二。
- The packet was tied with string. 这个包裹是用绳子捆着的。
- How is operation tied with risk management? 业务操作如何与风险管理相联系?
- Those boxes should be tied with ropes. 这些箱子应用绳子捆扎起来。
- We have established trade ties with these regions. 我们和这些地区建立了贸易关系。
- She bound the parcel with a cord. 她用细绳捆绑包裹。
- She had to sever all ties with her parents. 她不得不断绝与父母的一切联系。