- The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata. 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。
- The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata . 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。
- Conclusion Compared to emmetropia and late onset myopia, early onset myopia has a greater amount of parasympathetic innervation to the ciliary muscle that induces stretching and causes the eyes to become myopic. 结论与正视及迟发性近视比较,早发性近视者有较强的副交感神经支配,较强的副交感神经支配导致较强的睫状肌张力,从而导致眼球的牵拉和近视化的进展。
- Keywords Tonic accommodation adaptation;Parasympathetic innervation; 张力性调节适应;副交感支配;
- The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。
- parasympathetic innervation 副交感神经支配
- The parasympathetic nervous system. 副交感神经系统
- Effects of spinal cord stimulation on cerebrovascular flow: role of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations 颈髓电刺激增加脑血流的作用机制研究
- The parasympathetic nervous system regulates the sympathetic adrenal medullary system by reducing cardiac output through direct innervation of the sinoatrial node by parasympathetic nerve fibres. 副交感神經系統,是透過直接分佈在竇房結上的副交感神經纖維來降低心臟輸出,用此機轉來調節交感腎上腺髓質系統產生的生理現象。
- The innervation of rat thymus was observed by silver stain method. 采用改良的银染色法观察了大鼠胸腺神经纤维的分布。
- How to represent innervation in sport's photographing. 体育摄影中如何表现动。
- The heart is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers. 心脏受交感神经纤维和副交感神经纤维的支配。
- Objective To study the innervation between baldder and rectum. 目的 探讨膀胱与直肠之间的神经联系。
- Some parasympathetic fibers innervate the vertricular blood vessels. 某些副交感神经纤维支配心室的血管。
- Some parasympathetic fibers innervate the ventricular blood vessels. 某些副交感神经纤维支配心室的血管。
- In this case,innervation of the small fibers in the center was lost. 本例,中间的小细胞神经支配消失。
- The main innervation of the three YIN meridians of foot is nervus saphenus. 足三阴经均有隐神经分布。
- The innervation of small intestine includes extrinsic and intrinsic component. 中文摘要肠道包含内、外源的神经支配。
- The reproductive system has a complex innervation concerned in copulation and oviposition. 生殖系统有一个同交尾和产卵有关的复杂神经系统。
- The parasympathetic nerves enhance both tone and motility, and relax sphincters. 副交感神经既增加张力,也加强运动,并松弛括约