- In a parallel manner, there has been a secret governance of your Universe. 以类似的方式,你们宇宙也有一个秘密的政府。
- In parallel manner, humans act out and mimic the fear that surrounds them. 在平行情况里,人类们做出并模仿围绕他们的恐惧。
- In parallel manner today, there are “gods” and “goddesses” that are worshipped for their wealth or fame. 今天以类似的方式,也有“神”与“女神”因其财富和名望而被膜拜。
- One can begin to bless the city, suburb or region that one lives in parallel manner. 你能以类似的方式开始祝福你所居住的城市、郊区或地区。
- In parallel manner in Australia and New Zealand, there are ascending Maoris and Aborigines. 类似的,在澳大利亚和新西兰,有提升的毛利人和澳大利亚土著。
- You see consuming slaughtered bodies of animals is like intending to be slaughtered oneself in parallel manner inside the new dream. 你可以看见在新梦想内消耗被屠杀的动物身体就如同意愿以类似方式屠杀你自己。
- In a parallel manner, earth and all other species are following the same pattern, a generational ascent into increasing harmony. 以类似方式,地球和所有其他物种也在进行同样的模式,逐代提升到更大的和谐中。
- In parallel manner, the cells presently being converted to crystalline in the act of ascension create a cocoon that surrounds itself. 以类似的方式,正在提升中被转化成晶态体的细胞,会制造一个包裹起自己的茧。
- In parallel manner, stripping the light body of grid work causes it to develop a parallel disease upon its plane of reality. 以类似方式剥夺光体的晶格层,则会导致光体在相关实相层上产生一种类似疾病。
- In a parallel manner, the new manner in which the Language of Light is held in any ascending auric field is a combination of these two forms of synthesis. 类似的在任何提升金场中,光之语所持有的新方式都是这两种合成方式的混合。
- Often times it is in receiving curses, hexes, karma or spells from another that then one can look to see if they have done the same unconsciously to others in a parallel manner. 经常的,正是当接受来自别人的业力或符咒后,你可以看看自己有否在无意识中以类似方式做下同样的事情。
- This is most supportive of ascension.. In parallel manner, the inflated dark earth dream is equivalent to excessive space between ballooned or bloated along earth's surface. 这是提升最有支持的一面。以类似方式,膨胀的黑暗地球梦想等同于过多的两极空间沿地表而吹气或肿胀。
- In parallel manner, those ascending to 3000 will begin to embrace unity based thought-form, and begin relate in terms of equality and service to the whole rather than self-service. 以类似方式,那些提升到3000股者将开始融入基于统一的思想形态,开始以平等与服务?而不是自我服务的方式关联到整体之中。
- In parallel manner, humans ascending into such biology begin to emulate such patterning in unity relations with one another, perceiving all others and all kingdoms as equals as god goddess in form. 以类似的方式,人类提升入这样的生物体,开始在彼此统一的关系中仿效这样的模式,感知到其他所有人和所有王国作为形态中的男女神而平等。
- In parallel manner to earth's fragmentation in time, the average human is fractured in over 1024 time periods due to the karmic trauma recorded in the ancestry and cellular structure. 地球以类似的方式在时间中碎裂,人类平均被碎裂在1024个时间周期中,由于在祖先中记录的业力创伤以及细胞结构。
- One place that is beginning to capture photonic energy in parallel manner to crop circles are highly dense cities such as New York in the US, Stockholm in Sweden, and other cities around the globe. 还有一些与麦田怪圈类似开始来捕获光子能的地方,是高度密集的城市比如美国的纽约,瑞典的斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都),和地球上其它城市。
- In a parallel manner to the cellular structure, the blueprint for each organ, gland, muscular structure, bone structure along with the nervous system is altered to bring the entire system into unity. 与对细胞结构的方法相同,每一器官、腺体、分子结构、骨骼结构与神经系统的蓝图都被改变,去把整个系统带入统一。
- Legislatures often act in a negatory manner. 立法机关常采取消极行动。
- He got the money in a very underhand manner. 他用极为狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。
- He does not look fifty by any manner of means. 他看上去一点不像50岁的人。