- Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. 我们第一次跳伞感到兴奋莫名。
- I learned how to parachute jump in the army. 我在军队学会了如何跳伞。
- I volunteered to do a parachute jump to raise money for charity but I got cold feet at the last minute and didn't to through with it. 为慈善事业筹集资金我自愿参加跳伞,可是在最后一刻我临阵害怕了,结果没有完成任务。
- Parachute jumping is also known as skydiving. International meets generally include three individual events and one or two team events. 跳伞运动也称skydiving。国际比赛包括3项个人项目和1项至两项集体项目。
- My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. 我第一次跳伞的经历很令人激动。
- Parachute soldiers are practicing parachute jump by the use of jumping tower. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- The soldiers are practising parachute jumping with the help of parachute tower. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- To appear at county fairs and carnivals in exhibitions of stunt flying and parachute jumping. 巡回演出在县的集市或庆祝会上出现做特技飞行或跳伞表演
- The soldiers are practicing parachute jumping with the help of the parachute tower. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- Some people like to push themselves to the limit of body by doing rock climbing and parachute jump. 有些人喜欢通过类似攀岩和跳伞这样的运动将自己推向体能的极限。
- For most of us this means that a commercial aircraft flight is an acceptable risk whereas a parachute jump may not be. 对我们大多数人来说这意味着一个商业飞机飞行是一个可接受的风险,而跳伞不得。
- Some people enjoy exhausting themselves to physical extreme through such sports like climbing and parachute jump. 有些人喜欢通过类似攀岩和跳伞这样的运动将自己推向体能的极限。
- Parachute jumps flights over airfield at2000 m below. 跳伞飞行在机场上空,高度2000米以下。
- Parachute jumps flights over airfield at 2000m below. 跳伞飞行在机场上空,高度2000米以下。
- All flying, whether a commercial 747 flight or a recreational parachute jump, entails a degree of risk, gravity can be unforgiving. 所有飞行,无论是商业747航班或娱乐跳伞,需要一定程度的风险,可无情的严重性。
- Fournier’s jump can set four records: fastest free fall, longest free fall, highest altitude for a human balloon flight and highest parachute jump. 弗尔涅的一跳将创下四项纪录:速度最快的下落、经过距离最长的下落、载人气球最高上升的高度以及最高的跳伞高度。
- Earlier, it made a parachute jump tied to its master, 60-year-old enthusiast Kulikov, from a plane at a height of 800 meters. 此前它曾和现年60岁的主人、跳伞迷库利科夫绑在一起从800米高空纵身跳下。
- British woman plans to make a parachute jump over Mount Everest hoping to become the first woman ever to skydive over the world's highest peak, organizers said Sunday. 一名英国女子计画在圣母峰上空跳伞,以成为第一位跳伞飞越世界最高峰的女性,活动主办单位周日表示。
- As training Xingeerman's couple uses alar form parachute to take the train of parachute jumping, fuliman plans originally with the couple two undertake ultimate parachute together. 作为练习辛格尔曼夫妇使用翼形跳伞服跳伞的教练,弗里曼原本计划与夫妇俩一同进行极限跳伞。
- Our company is the pointed producing site for various sports teams such as teams of Shanghai Sports Technique College, Jiangsu Provincial Gymnasties team, Accobatic Gymnastic teams, Chinese National Bed Jumping team and National Figure Skating team. 我公司是国家体操管理中心、国家蹦床队、国家轮滑队、上海体技院、南京体育学院等各专业队参赛服装定点生产单位。