- papillae salivaria buccalis [医] 颊涎乳头, 腮腺乳头
- papilla salivaria buccalis 颊涎乳头, 腮腺乳头
- papillae salivaria sublingualis [医] 舌下肉阜
- Such papillae are characteristic of most demersal spawning species. 如此的乳突是大多数的底栖产卵种的特徵。
- Trichomes absent or rarely as minute papillae on pedicels. 作为在花梗上的微小的乳突的毛状体缺席的或很少。
- Uncle Bill named this protein BPP for basilar papilla protein. 比尔叔叔将此蛋白质命名为BPP,意思是指基底乳头蛋白。
- The dermal papilla is a highly active group of cells. 毛乳头是细胞中高活性的团体。
- The tumors mainly lay in descendent and papilla of the duodena. 肿瘤多分布在十二指肠降段和乳头部;术中所见多数已有转移。
- There were papillae, microvilli or microvesicles on the surface of some cells. 细胞表面光滑,或有乳头状突起、微绒毛和微饮泡等。
- Pale and edematous papilla was found in 46% of the involved eyes at admission. 眼底检查 46%25的患眼视盘呈现苍白性水肿 ,67 5 %25伴有动脉缩窄。
- The fovea has only cones, and the blind spot or papilla has no receptors. 中央凹的部分只有锥细胞,而盲点或神经乳头部分无视细胞。
- TCF4 gene can promote the proliferation of the dermal papilla cells. TCF4基因可以促进毛乳头细胞增殖。
- Objective:To study the relationship between the infections of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas buccalis and oral disease. 目的:探讨齿龈内阿米巴及口腔毛滴虫的感染情况与口腔疾患的关系。
- In control group, the papillae appeared shrunken chink, and the clinical recurrence rate was 22.5%(P<0.05). 大口切开组症状复发者为 5%25 ;中小切开组为 2 2 5%25 (P <0 .;0 5 )。
- The taste buds of fungiform papillae are not so developed and filiform papilla are long and thick. 菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长;
- The mammalian salivaria causes African sleeping sickness in human and trypanosomiasis in domestic animals and the study of the protozoon occupies an important place in human medicine and veterinary medicine. 哺乳动物的唾传锥虫 (Salivaria ,又译涎传锥虫 )是人类非洲锥虫病和家畜锥虫病的病原 ,在医学和兽医学上占有重要地位。
- It will astonish your aperitif papillae by its muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth. 她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜。
- The tail of the cercariae had three ciliated papillae on its ventral surface,and over forty long spines on its tip. 尾部腹面可见纤毛型乳突三个,尾端具长棘40条以上。
- Objective To improve the cutis laxa and pendulous skin of the pars buccalis,lower mandible and labial commissure through the suspension of SMAS with small incision in the front of antilobium. 目的通过耳屏前小切口,悬吊SMAS,以改善面颊部及下颌部,口角部的皮肤松弛下垂、达到面部除皱效果。
- Reticulin silver stain can highlight slender argyrophilic fibrils radiating from central vessels of papillae. 脑膜瘤的网染,非常明显的长梭形的嗜银纤维沿着乳突的血管呈放射状排列。