- paper of civil judgment 民事裁判文书
- Process of civil judgment supervision can correct mistake of judgment, protect legal rights of parties, and achieve just judicature. 民事审判监督程序作为一种救济性的案件审理程序,对于纠正审判错误,保护当事人合法权益,实现司法公正,具有积极的作用。
- The process of civil judgment supervision is an almsgiving process which doesn't add distinction of judgment except first process of judgment and second process of judgment. 摘要审判监督程序是在第一审程序和第二审程序之外而又不增加审级的一种独具特征的救济性程序。
- Writing Skills of Civil Judgment 关于民事判决书的撰写技术
- On process of civil judgment supervision 论民事审判监督程序
- She championed the cause of civil rights. 她积极支持民权运动。
- A person following the pursuits of civil life. 平民,百姓遵循平民生活的人
- After six years of civil war, the country is now at peace. 经6年内战后,这个国家现在处于和平状态。
- On Running Mode of Enforcement Power of Civil Judgment 重估民事执行权运行模式
- Combined chain manual paper of feeder. 送纸工作台采用组合,链条式手动送纸。
- Research into Expounding of Reasons in Documents of Civil Judgment 民事裁判文书理由阐述之探究
- The Times is a paper of long standing. 《泰晤士报》历史悠久。
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是铺满了空罐头。
- A paper of blankness I’m facing. 这张纸腾出了满满的空白。
- Balance between the Conviction Effect and Retrying System of Civil Judgment 论我国民事裁判的既判效力与再审制度的协调与平衡
- A set of 24 or sometimes 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock; one twentieth of a ream. 纸的一刀一套24张或有时25张同样尺寸和种类的纸张; 一令纸的十二分之一。
- Town life is the nurse of civilization. 城市生活是文明的摇篮。
- The country is teetering on the brink of civil war. 这个国家正处在内战的边缘。
- Paper of any kind is not permitted in the testing room. 考场不得携带任何纸张。
- Paper of different texture or thickness may be used. 可以使用不同质地、不同厚薄的纸。