- The electronic copy for the MSDS should be submitted as well as the paper copy. 提供的安全数据单应同时提交其电子件。
- If you like the online version, please consider buying a paper copy. 如果喜欢本书的在线阅读版,欢迎到这里购买纸制版本。
- Printers can create a permanent paper copy of results generated by the program being run on the computer. 打印机可以将程序运行的结果打印出来,从而成为永久的纸拷贝。
- This is business center,here we can serve you the paper copy,fax and typewriting. 这里是商务中心,我们可以提供复印、传真及打印服务。
- Write a one page description of the Kresge Chapel. Please submit a digital copy as well as a paper copy. 以一页书面方式描述Kresge教堂。请同时缴交数位文件及书写报告。
- You can send your report to users as an e-mail message instead of printing a paper copy. 可将报表作为电子邮件发送给用户,而不用打印出书面文档。
- You can print a paper copy, share the XPS document, or send it to a commercial printer or other people in any way that you prefer. 可以打印纸张副本、共享XPS文档或以任何您喜欢的方式将其发送到商业打印机或他人。
- If you send the paper by attachment, you must keep a backup paper copy and be ready to submit that if there are any computer difficulties. 如果透过附件的模式提交论文,则必须保留论文的备份拷贝以备在电脑发生问题无法读取时补交。
- Many codebooks also include frequencies of response.Codebooks vary widely in quality and amount of information included.They may be machine-readable or paper copy or microfiche. 过录编码簿在性质上及所包含的数据量有极大的差异,它们可能是可供机器阅读的电子文件、书面数据及微缩胶卷。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- You can open Tagged Image File Format files in DI, or if you have only a paper copy of the text you want, you can first scan the document by using the scanning component of Office DI, and then open the scanned document. 您可以在 di中打开 标记图像文件格式 的文件,或者如果您只有所需文本的一份书面副本,则可以首先使用 Office di的扫描组件扫描文档,然后再打开该扫描文档。
- Or it may be as stensive extensive as houl a whole paper copy copied -- or brought bought -- from somebody eleselse. 否则它最大可以是抄袭一整篇文章或从其他人那买。
- A copy made by using carbon paper. 复写本,副本用复写纸复印的一份
- Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation. 报告相关图像资料的影本应于课程开始之前分发。
- The (o) offense may be a as small as a sentence copy copied from a book.Or it may be as extensive as a whole paper copied -- or borrowed bought -- from somebody else. 这种侵权行为既可以小到抄袭他人书中的一个句子,也可以大到抄袭别人的整篇论文,或者从别人那里买来论文。
- Or it may be as an extense extensive as a whole paper copied -- or button bought -- from somebody else. 知识盗取没什么新意。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- Paper copies for other statements can be requested by calling the Customer Service telephone number printed on the back of your card. 如欲索取其他书面印刷月结单副本,请致电您的运通卡背面所列的客户服务电话。
- Because most documents are created on computers, then passed along electronically, shredding paper copies eliminates only one version. 因为大多数文件是在电脑上处理完成并通过电子传输的,所以切碎书面文件只能销毁一个版本。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。