- panicle number per pyong 每坪穗数
- Panicle number, spikelet number per panicle, spikelet fertility,hundred grain weight, grain yield and panicle length were surveyed at mature stage. 百粒重对氮肥比较敏感,总的趋势是施氮量增加,粒重下降;
- Water deficits were found to affect panicle number and grain number per panicle in lowland rice, while panicle number and percent grain-filling were reduced in upland rice. 在产量构成性状上,乾早处理明显降低参试水稻品种之穗数与一穗粒数及陆稻品程(系)之稔实率及穗数。
- effective panicle number per plant 有效穗数
- panicle number per hill 每株穗数
- There is a significantly linear relation between secondary branch grain number and grain number per panicle, and they have the same changing tendency. 穗粒数与二次枝梗粒数随品种的变化是一致的,二者有极显著的线性相关。
- No. We assign only one RN number per company. 不可以。一家公司只可以有一个RN代码。
- The grain number per panicle of ratooning rice in vitro was much larger than that in vivo, and the extent was increased with the decline of node, especially for Peiliangyou 210. 离体条件下再生稻穗粒数较母体条件下显著提高,且提高幅度随节位下降而增大,培两优210表现更为明显。
- The grain number per panicle of ratooning rice of the two combinations was increased with the decline of node in vivo and in vitro, while the extent was greater in vitro. 母体与离体条件下两组合再生稻穗粒数均随节位下降而提高,但离体条件下的提高幅度更大;
- They vary widely in size, shape, number per cell, and even color. 它们的大小,形状,每个细胞的数目甚至颜色变化很大。
- The panicle number, biomass and grain yield of the plant were reduced by soil water stress at the beginning of tillering period. 乳熟期和灌浆期干旱胁迫,饱满粒率、饱满千粒重降低,整精米率下降。
- The results are as follows: Grain number per panicle, seed density, secondary branch number, secondary branch grain number, secondary branch grain rate are significantly positively correlated with rice yield, &the yield is affected by all of them. 产量与每穗粒数、着粒密度、二次枝梗数、二次枝梗粒数、二次枝梗粒率呈极显著的正相关关系,这些性状对产量都有积极意义,产量是其综合作用的表现。
- Primary branch number, secondary branch number, primary branch grain number, secondary branch grain number and secondary branch grain rate are significantly positively correlated with grain number per panicle. 一次枝梗数、一次枝梗粒数、二次枝梗数、二次枝梗粒数以及二次枝梗粒率都与每穗粒数呈极显著的正相关关系,这些性状的增加将有助于穗粒数的增加。
- primary branch number per panicle 一次枝梗数
- secondary branch number per panicle 二次枝梗数
- The certification-issuing authority should maintain a version number per user in its repository. 颁发证书的权威应该在自己的仓库中为每个用户维护一个版本号。
- The longevity and offspring number per adult wasp were related to temperature and complementary nutrition. 成蜂寿命及平均每蜂子代出蜂数量与补充营养和温度关系密切。
- At Apliu Street, the pedestrian volume exceeds 5,500 numbers per hour at peak. 在鸭寮街,繁忙时间每小时的行人流量达5,500人次。
- The deoxidizing amount of flax is correlated positively with fruit number per plant,grain num... 亚麻根系还原量与单株果数、单株粒数、单株粒重、单株花朵数呈显著或极显著正相关,与结实率呈负相关。
- The ratio of the polymorphic loci was 60% and the average allele number per loci was 1.8. 在物种水平上,多态位点比率为60%25,而平均每个位点的等位基因数为1.;8。