- palpi pilosi 毛须
- The results showed that there was only single type of sensilla on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi. 结果发现,在柳蓝叶甲下鄂须、下唇须和前足跗节上都只有单一感器存在。
- Iu aportas al li lupido kaj bonvonu lin por palpi kaj diras,ke kia besto gi estas. 小易,你的拼写错误比较多,译完以后应该检查一下。
- The adult's selection to hosts is mainly affected by the chemical inductors on the antenna and oral palpi, and finished with the feeling, gustation and olfaction actions together. 成虫对寄主的选择是在不断的活动过程中;主要通过触角和口须上的化感器接触感应;在味觉和嗅觉等的共同参与下完成的.
- Therefore, the alkaloid sensilla of P. versicolora were likely the styloconic sensillum on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi and the trichoid sensilla on the tarsi of the fore legs. 可推断柳蓝叶甲感知生物碱感器可能就是下鄂须、下唇须顶端的栓锥感器和足跗节顶端的毛状感器。
- interior palpi 内须
- internal maxillary palpi 内下颚须
- anterior palpi 前须
- exterior palpi 外须
- palpi nasuta 喙形须
- palpi penduli 垂须
- palpi turgidi 肿端须
- palpi mandibularis 大颚须
- inte-rior palpi 内须
- palpi palpus的复数