- pallet for handling goods 搬运货物的托盘
- A pallet for loading or handling goods, especially one having solid sideboards and no bottom. 货盘:用于装载或搬运货物的垫子,尤其是具有边板并没有底座的。
- For example, a pallet for handling materials in a factory would be thrown around and dropped and have heavy items thrown on to it? 譬如说,把工厂中用来堆放或移动原料的货板乱扔乱摔,把重东西扔上去??
- They were arrested for handling stolen goods. 他们因收受赃物而遭逮捕。
- Which tug is responsible for handling the anchors? 哪条拖轮负责起抛锚。
- Devised a new system for handling mail orders. 设计一个新的信件处理系统
- He has the authority for handling this matter. 他有权力处理这件事。
- A machine for handling or hoisting heavy weights. 起重机一种处理或升起重物的机器
- Success tips for handling objections. 处理拒绝的成功关键。
- Forks type tooling for handling reels. 叉手工具,用于搬运卷轴。
- Would you say you had the competence for handling money? 您认为您有理财的能力吗?
- Will you say you have the competence for handling money ? 您认为您有理财能力吗?
- Most plants are provided with hoist wells for handling parts. 大多数工厂设有搬运零件的起吊孔。
- OK.And how many pallets for stacking? 行。运货托架有多少?
- Will you say you had the competence for handling money? 您认为您有理财能力吗?
- Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters. molly,我需要你处理特殊状况的特殊才能。
- Will you say you gad the competence for handling money? 您 认为您有理财能力吗?
- Including carpet, VIP room, 2 microphones, ribbon-cutting utensils, flower arrangement and column pallet for 2 hours. 包括地毯、贵宾接待室、2只话筒及扩音设备、花草、剪彩用具(立柱式托盘)、服务时间为2小时。
- What is the best approach for handling ERP source data? 从erp源系统中抽取数据最好的方法是什么?
- Including carpet, VIP room, 2 microphones, ribbon-cutting utensils, flower arrangement and column pallet for hours. 包括地毯、贵宾接待室、2只话筒及扩音设备、花草、剪彩用具(立柱式托盘)、服务时间为2小时。