- Her face was ghostly pale with fright. 她吓得面色惨白。
- Hearing the news, we turned pale with fright. 听到这消息后,我们惊骇失色。
- They stared, pale with fright, but saw nothing. 他们注视着,脸色惊惶苍白,但没看见任何东西。
- Hearing the news, we turned pale with fright . 听到这消息后,我们惊骇失色。
- He turned pale with fright and sweat broke out all over his body. 他大惊失色,汗流浃背。
- They were all pale with fright. 五个人的脸色都青了。
- She was pale with fright. 她吓得面色惨白。
- Her face was ghostly pale with fright 她吓得面色惨白。
- She paled with shock at the news. 她听到那消息大惊失色。
- He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost. 他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。
- The child was out of his wits with fright. 那孩子吓得茫然失措。
- Her heart beat madly with fright. 她惊得心慌乱跳。
- The children trembled with fright. 孩子们被吓得发抖。
- Mother paled with shock at the news. 妈妈听到那消息大惊失色。
- In the lonely darkness he shivered with fright. 他在毫无声息的黑暗里怕得全身发颤。
- She turned pale with sudden fear. 她突然被吓得惊恐失色。
- The boy' s hair stuck up straight with fright. 男孩吓得毛发直竖。
- She is very pale with dark hair and blue eyes. 她的脸色很苍白,但有着一头乌发和一双蓝色的眼睛。
- I immediately began to quiver with fright. 他的脑袋就像是山顶上的庙宇,就像北海公园山上的白塔。
- He became speechless with fright. 鸿渐吓得哑口无言。