- Lesions near the urethra can also cause painful urination for men. 病灶附近,也会引起痛苦尿道排尿男性。
- Women can also develop vaginal discharge during a herpes outbreak or painful urination. 女性阴道分泌物也制定了带状爆发期间排尿或痛苦。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承认错了,是很费力的。
- Zheng Jian herpes zoster, or fester Yam swelling or pain urinating short Chek Shibuya, Mu Chi headache, Shehong moss Huang. 症见带状疱疹、阴肿或溃烂或小便短赤涩痛、目赤头痛,舌红苔黄。
- I stubbed my toe on the stone: it was very painful. 我把脚踢到了石头上,疼极了。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 经过长期痛苦的疾病之后,他死了。
- Poor girl, I feel for you, toothache is painful. 可怜的姑娘,我都替你难受,牙痛真够呛。
- He gained the medal through his painful travail. 他通过艰辛的努力获得了奖牌。
- Do you have any pain during urination? 你小便时痛吗?
- It is my painful duty to tell him he is dying. 要我把他即将去世的事告诉他,这使我十分为难。
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra. 由细菌导致的一种常见性病;症状是尿路疼痛。
- I feel pain toward the end of urination. 排尿结束时疼。
- Difficulty during urination, or feel pain or burns. 排尿不顺或感觉疼痛或有灼热感。
- He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak. 他用力拧了一下那男孩的耳朵。
- He have a painful cut on his thumb. 他拇指上的伤口疼。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- His incompetence was painful to witness. 他很无能,让人看著难受。
- a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra 由细菌导致的一种常见性病;症状是尿路疼痛
- A full requital of his striving pain. 这是对他艰苦努力的圆满回报。