- For more information, see Change the size of virtual memory. 有关详细信息,请参阅更改虚拟内存的大小。
- page of virtual memory 虚拟存储器页面
- Therefor,we should amend the quality of virtual memory. 因此,必须对虚拟内存进行性能优化。
- Displays the size (in bytes) of the largest free block of virtual memory. 显示最大可用虚拟内存块的大小(字节)。
- It starts with one block of virtual memory greater than 16 MB and progresses to smaller blocks greater than 16 MB. 它从大于16 MB的一个虚拟内存块开始,并发展成大于16 MB的小内存块。
- The operating system is configured to limit applications to 2 GB of virtual memory address space; AWE has been activated on SQL Server. 将操作系统配置为限制应用程序可使用2 GB的虚拟内存地址空间;并且已在SQL Server上激活AWE。
- As file systems grow larger, the number of blocks increases and so does the amount of virtual memory needed to track these blocks. 随着文件系统增大,块的数量增多,用来跟踪这些块所需的虚存数量也随之增加。
- DTLB Data Translation Look-aside Buffer. Performs the translation from linear addresses to physical address required for support of virtual memory. 数据翻译旁视缓存区执行从线性地址到物理地址的翻译时要有虚拟内存的支持。
- The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument. 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。
- Swapd The amount of virtual memory in KB currently in use. As freememory reaches low thresholds, more data is paged to the swap device. 当前虚拟内存使用的总额(单位:KB).;空闲内存达到最低的阀值时;更多的数据被转换成页到交换设备中
- There are several faults in the page of figures. 那一页的数字中有几个差错。
- Thus, the amount of virtual memory used to store paged buffers can grow when device drivers ask for more, and it can shrink when the drivers release it. 这样,用于存储分页缓冲区的虚拟内存量会随着设备驱动程序需求量增加而增加,并会在驱动程序释放它时缩小。
- On the basis of analysing the UnixWare 2 0 virtual memory management,this paper gives a porting scheme of virtual memory management in a PowerPC 604 based computer system. 本文在深入分析UnixWare2.;0虚存管理的基础上,在PowerPC604机器上设计了虚存管理移植方案。
- Each page of this dictionary has two columns of text. 本词典每页上有两列正文。
- These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。
- The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper. 这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置。
- Please write down your initials on each page of the paper. 请在每页考卷上写下名字的首字母。
- Steven could rattle off a page of the telephone directory if you asked him. 如果你叫史蒂芬背电话号码,他可以一口气背出一页。
- Every page of the book glows with good humor. 书的每一页都洋溢着兴高采烈的情绪。
- He sat there idly turning the pages of a book. 他无聊地坐在那儿翻著书。