- packet switching unit 分组交换设备
- packet switching unit (PSU) 包交换部件
- A short block of data transmitted in a packet switching network. 一小股一束短的资料,在一束转换网络系统中传输
- The basic exchanging unit is the burst which can be combined by two parts: BHP (Burst Head Packet, which is similar to the packet head in packet switching) and data burst. 基本交换单元突发,由控制分组(Burst Head Packet,BHP,作用相当于分组交换中的分组头)与数据突发两部分组成。
- Network traffic between signaling points is handled via a packet switch. 信令点之间的网络流量是通过包交换机处理的。
- In computer networks, a packet switched system at the University of Hawaii which uses radio broadcast techniques. 美国夏威夷大学开发的一种使用无线电广播技术的分组交换计算机网。
- This paper presents an efficient algorithm for voice over packet switching system using the digital speech interpolation (DSI) technique. 该文将数字语音插空(DSI)技术应用于包交换系统中,给出了一种高效传输话音信号的实现方案。
- This dissertation focuses on the optical clock recovery techniques inoptical packet switching (OPS) network. 本文主要研究应用于光分组交换网络的全光时钟恢复(提取)技术。
- The improved model of input buffer presented is to insert a quasi random memory between input queue and arbitration logic at ATM switching unit. 改进的输入缓冲方案是在ATM交换单元的输入队列和仲裁逻辑之间加入一个准随机存储器。
- In OBS, a data burst is an intermediate switching granularity comparing to circuit switching and packet switching. 相比分组交换,OBS 提高了交换粒度,比分组交换易于实现,它是一种很有前途的交换技术。
- In communications, Telenet Communication Corporation, a packet switching transmission service. 在通信技术中,美国Telenet通信公司提供的分组交换传输业务网。
- OBS( Optical Burst Switching) combines advantages of Optical Circuit Switching( OCS) and Optical Packet Switching( OPS). 光突发交换集合了光线路交换和光分组交换的优点。
- The theoretical limit for packet switched data is approx. 给被转变数据的小包的理论上的界限是大概。
- Uses packet switching protocol based on frequency hop scheme with 1600 hops/s to enable high performance in noisy radio environments . 在无线电噪声环境里,利用基于每秒1600跳跳频表的分组交换协议可以提高系统性能。
- CCIS occurs over a separate packet switched digital network. 独立的分组交换数字网络中使用CCIS。
- Final,we present the design and PCB implementation of System Control and switching Unit(SCU). Finally, we implement system Ethernet performance with Smartbits and discuss its results. 最后,给出了交换控制盘的PCB 设计与实现,并采用以太网性能测试仪SmartBits 6000C 对系统进行了性能测试。
- With packet switching, unlike circuit switching, multiple connections to nodes on the network share the available bandwidth. 分组交换与电路交换不同,与网络节点的多个连接将共享可用带宽。
- The function modules of the new ERT system based on Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) have been achieved, including the control strategy, exciting unit, electrodes switching unit, signal processing unit and external/internal interrupt in DSP. 实现了基于数字信号处理器(DSP)ERT新系统中的各单元功能,包括整体控制策略以及激励单元、电极切换控制单元、信号调理单元、以及DSP内/外部中断的软件实现。
- The packet radio network is a new wireless network. It uses packet switching between nodes and shares the common wireless channel. 分组无线网是一种新型的无线通信网络,是在网络节点之间使用分组交换,共享无线信道的数字通信网络。
- Then the comparison between FSN with V5 interface and Remote Switching Unit (RSU) is presented, reaching the conclusion that mass adoption of RSU will impair the future development of communication information networks. 文章对国际全业务接入网的发展进行了研讨;并分析比较了具有V5等标准接口的接入网与远端交换模块(RSU)的优缺点;认为大量采用远端交换模块会对未来通信信息网络的发展造成不利影响.