- The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network. Ad Hoc网络的前身是分组无线网(Packet Radio Network)。
- In chapter 4, we study employing smart antennas in the basestation of packet radio networks. 第四章对多波束智能天线在星型结构分组无线网中的应用进行了研究,利用智能天线实现信道的空分复用,并在MAC层实现多波束智能天线与网络的融合。
- Several kinds of routing protocols such asDBF,DSDV,DSR,ABR,and MAC mechanism in mobile packet radio networks areintroduced. 对分组无线网的几种路由算法DBF、DSDV、DSR、ABR 以及MAC 访问协议也作了介绍;
- Packet radio network is a packet switch system with multi-address wireless channel. 分组无线网 PRN(Packet Radio Network)是一种使用无线多址信道的分组交换系统。
- This r adio routing protocol is available for mobile packet radio network with the need of destruction resistance. 此无线路由协议适用于移动分组无线网的抗毁性要求。
- The packet radio network is a new wireless network. It uses packet switching between nodes and shares the common wireless channel. 分组无线网是一种新型的无线通信网络,是在网络节点之间使用分组交换,共享无线信道的数字通信网络。
- High Speed Packet Radio Network (HSPRN) is a data communication network which applies packet switching to the domain of broadcast radio. 高速分组无线网(HSPRN)是一种新型的无线通信网络,是利用分组交换共享无线信道的数字通信网。
- The study of packet radio network was from the requirement of military communication, which has been nearly twenty years. 对分组无线网的研究源于军事通信的需要,并已经持续了近20年。
- In this paper, we give anoverview of packet radio network concept and the recent development of technology in this field. 本文对分组无线电网络的概念和目前的技术发展进行了综述。
- With the rapid development of the packet radio network (PRN),it is veryimportant for PRN to be capable of transmitting IP packet. 随着分组无线网的发展,分组无线网支持IP业务的传输成为分组无线网发展的一大趋势。
- Packet radio network, which has developed since 1970s, is a kind of packet-switched computer communications network utilizing radio channels to transmit information. 分组无线电网络是国外七十年代发展起来的一种利用无线信道传输信息的分组交换计算机通信网络。
- In this article the concept of Packet Radio Networks and recent developments is introduced. Some technical problams including multiple access techniques,topological structure and routings are discussed. 本文简要介绍了分组式无线计算机网络的基本概念及近年来的发展状况,讨论了分组式无线计算机网络的一些主要技术问题,其中包括分组式无线网络的信道多址访问方式,分组式无线网络的网络拓扑结构及分组式无线网络的路由选择方式。
- The paper shows the design and implementation of the software and hardware of the network node controller in a new Packet Radio Network. The controller serves as the Network Sublayer and Data Link Layer device of the Packet Radio Network. 本文介绍了正在研制中的新型分组无线网节点控制器的软硬件设计与实现,该节点控制器用于完成分组无线网网络子层和数据链路层的功能。
- A multihop packet radio network with RTS/CTS multiple access protocol of IEEE 802.11 MAC is presented,with emphasis on its throughput analysis and comparison of throughput among slot ALOHA,CSMA and RTS/CTS multiple access protocols. 本文提出了一种应用IEEE 80 2 1 1MAC中RTS/CTS协议的多跳分组无线网络 ;分析了它的吞吐量 ;并与时隙ALOHA、CSMA多址接入协议下的网络性能作了比较 .
- In this thesis, a procedure Of design and implementation Of an interfaCe between lP protocol layer and PRN protocol layer, which is a very important part of the technology of PRN (Packet Radio Network), is inboduced. 文章介绍了分组无线网-PRN(PacketRadioNetwork)技术的一个重要组成部分,即IP协议层到PRN协议层接口的研究和实现过程。
- In this thesis, we discussed a Packet Radio Network which is designed specially for the need of temporary communication in tunnels and other environments like tunnels, and this communication system has the Self-Organization feature like Ad Hoc network. 本文所探讨的就是主要为煤矿坑道或是类似的应用场合所设计的一个类似于Ad Hoc网络的分组无线自组织通信网络。
- Packet Radio Network (PRN) has been widely used due to its own intrinsic advantages. With the rapid growth of Internet over the world, it is an inevitable trend to conduct the research on the interconnection between the PRN and Internet. 分组无线网以其自身的优势得到了广泛的应用,随着Internet在世界范围的迅速普及,以分组无线网的方式来支持Internet上的信息传输就成为一种不可避免的趋势,本文首先介绍了分组无线网网络结构,子网节点和网关节点的构成及功能。
- The high-speed packet radio network (HSPRN) iscritical to meeting the requirements for wide-band, rapidly deployable and robustinformation systems, studies on which are more challenging. 其中,多跳结构的高速分组无线网是一个主要发展方向,也是研究中的重点和难点。
- The wireless multi-hop military packet radio network is critical to meeting the requirements for wide-band, rapidly deployable and robust information systems, studies on which are more challenging. 其中,多跳结构的军用分组无线自组织网络是一个主要发展方向,也是军事通信领域研究中的重点和难点。
- Packet Radio Networks Based on Ultra Wideband Radio 采用超宽带无线电技术的军用分组无线网