- packed decimal notation 压缩十进制记数法
- An abbreviation for the prefix kilo, that is, 1000in decimal notation. 前缀kilo(千)的缩写,即十进制数的1000。
- Algorithm which is a process of calculation based on decimal notation numbers. 十进制是一种建立在十个数字记位法的计算过程。
- An abbreviation for the prefix kilo, that is,1000 in decimal notation. 前缀kilo(千)的缩写,即十进制数的1000。
- Area IDs can be written as a whole number or dotted decimal notation. 区域ID可写成整个数字或写成点十进制记数。
- A symbol that represents one of the nonnegative integers smaller than the radix.In decimal notation, one of the characters from0 to9. 表示比数基小的非负整数的符号。在十进制记数法中,每位数是0到9的一个数字。
- When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890. 把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890。
- We can use either common decimal notation or scientific notation to write floating-point literal constants. 通常可以用十进制或者科学计数法来表示浮点字面值常量。
- This property supports loading packed decimal data into the pipeline for processing by a script or by a custom transformation. 此属性支持将已打包的十进制数据加载到管道中,以便由脚本或自定义转换进行处理。
- A floating point literal constant can be written in either scientific or common decimal notation. 浮点型文字常量可以被写成科学计数法形式或普通的十进制形式。
- The decimal numbers separated by periods are the octets converted from binary to decimal notation. 点分十进制数字是从二进制转换为十进制表示法的八位组。
- A feature of a key indicating to RMS-11 how to interpret the data in the associated key field.Supported types include string, 2-and 4-byte binary integer and packed decimal. 关键字的一种特征,用于向RMS-11指明如何解释在相应字段中的数据。关键字数据类型包括字符串、2和4字节的二进制整数以及压缩十进制数。
- You could save a lot of memory by packing decimal digits. 你可以借助于压缩十进制数字的方法来节省大量的存储单元。
- This is related to the fact that it is impossible to exactly express some fractions in decimal notation with a finite number of digits. 这和一个事实有关,那就是不可能精确的用有限位数表达某些十进制分数。
- A symbol that represents one of the nonnegative integers smaller than the radix.In decimal notation,one of the characters from0to9. 表示比数基小的非负整数的符号。在十进制记数法中,每位数是0到9的一个数字。
- By default, numeric constants use decimal notation, but the built-in assembler also supports binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 缺省情况下,数字常量使用十进制表示,但内建汇编程序也支持二进制、八进制和十六进制。
- A computer uses BOOTP to send a broadcast IP packet using a destination IP address of all 1s, in dotted decimal notation. 电脑使用BOOTP来传送广播IP封包,它使用全为1的目的地IP位址,以点十进位表示为255.;255
- Ten to the ninth power, 1 000 000 000 in decimal notation. When referring to storage capacity, two to the thirtieth power, 1 073 741 824 in decimal notation. 十进制记数法中的10的9次幂,即1 000 000 000。在表示存储容量时,则是2 的30次幂,按十进制记数法来表示则是1 073 741 824。
- The next page will discuss dotted decimal notations. 下一页将讨论以点分隔的十进位标记法。
- The auditorium was packed that night. 这天晚上,礼堂里挤满了人。