- He packed cards with the rebels. 他私通叛军。
- Booster pack cards included at no additional cost with valid, active Star Wars Galaxies subscription are non-transferable and non-tradeable. 从现实中的实例报道看,凡是经用中草药治疗的白癜风患者,如果治疗有效,一般都很少出现西医治疗的那种副作用,并且不易复发。
- Pack cards with sb. 与某人串通舞弊;与某人狼狈为奸
- The auditorium was packed that night. 这天晚上,礼堂里挤满了人。
- He packed up his things and left. 他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。
- I'd only gone five miles when the engine packed up. 我刚开出5英里,汽车的引擎就出了毛病。
- The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep. 那只老猫在睡梦中静静地死去。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用。
- The theater was packed with children. 那家戏院挤满了小孩子。
- The coach saved his star player for a trump card. 教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
- He packed up and was ready to go. 他整理好行装准备出发。
- She packed the children off to bed. 她把孩子全打发去睡觉了。
- Have it charged to my credit card. 把它记在我的信用卡的帐号里。
- All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack. 他的野营物品全都放在背囊里了。
- The police asked him to show his identity card. 警察让他出示身份证。
- How would you pack the goods we have ordered? 我们订购的这批货,不知你们是怎么包装的?
- She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄过一张圣诞卡。
- He used to smoke a pack of cigarette a day. 他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。
- He fanned out the card in his hand. 他把牌在手上展成扇形。