- Can you deliver a large package of books? 你能把一大包书寄出去吗?
- The package of the TV set was nicked a little. 那台电视机的包装箱碰破了一点儿皮。
- He carries a large package of books under his arm. 他在腋下夹了一大包书。
- I'd like to mail a package of book to China. 我想寄一包书到中国去。
- Please give me a package of pain-killer. 请给我一盒去痛药。
- A package of deluxe souvenirs from us. 月大奖得主了我们寄出的精美纪念品。
- Receiving a package of souvenirs. 就会收到我们栏目组寄出的。
- The package of cigarettes is on the table. 那盒香烟在桌上。
- A package of green tea and some bananas. 一包绿茶和一些香蕉。
- She bought a package of cookies. 她买了一盒小甜饼。
- Outer package of cosmetic and daily product. 化妆品及日常用品的外包装。
- She sent him a large package of books. 她寄给他一大包书。
- He made up a package of books and sent it off by train. 他把书打成一个大包,交铁路托运。
- He spent fifty cents for a package of Egyptian cigarettes. 他花了5角钱买了一包埃及香烟。
- Base in Wen an, Hebei Province, we are a leading manufacturer and distributor of veneer procudcts. 我司地处中国最大的板才生产基地之一----河北文安,专业生产、销售各种规格的单板。
- The cheat sheet was attached to the package of the fancy camera. 说明书就贴在高级照相机的包装盒上。
- A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide. 一包刀片不会自个儿跑掉藏起来的。
- Using the servo system to control the setting of the thickness of veneer and slicing feed to make the amount of feed accurate. 刨切单板厚度的设定、进给是由伺服系统控制,进给准确。
- The package of lactobacillus drink, jelly and soup product. 乳酸菌饮料、果冻、汤产品包装。
- In addition,the relationship between compression ratio of veneer and hot pressure would be discussed in the paper,which would be non linear expression from experimental data. 笔者分析了速生杨木单板的压缩率与热压单位压力的关系,试验表明单板的压缩率与压力呈非线性关系。