- That oyster closed up its valves. 那个牡蛎把壳合拢起来。
- The man is as dumb as an oyster. 那人极少说话。
- oyster ovary [医] 牡蛎状卵巢
- After the damp weather all the drawers became as fast as a Kentish oyster. 湿季过后所有的抽屉都如肯特郡的牡蛎一般关得死死的。
- Abalone slice with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen. 蚝油鲍鱼生是我们厨房的最拿手的好菜。
- Some kinds of oyster are used as food, and others yield pearls. 有几种牡蛎可食用,有几种可产珍珠。
- Oyster is the only seafood I like; I dislike the rest. 牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味; 其余的我都不喜欢。
- I was a young man and the world was my oyster. 当时我年轻,一切都顺心如意。
- Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor. 卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤
- Oyster requires clean water to produce good pearls. 珠蚌需要洁净的水来生产优质珍珠。
- Science may have unraveled the oyster's secrets. 科学还没有完全揭开蚌的秘密。
- I think I'll have some oyster cocktail first. 我想我先来点生蚝杯。
- The wall of a ripened ovary; fruit wall. 果皮成熟果实的皮;果皮。
- The wall of a ripened ovary;fruit wall. 果皮成熟果实的皮;果皮
- With talent like that, the world is her oyster. 她天资如此聪颖,前途无量。
- Arrangement of placentas within the ovary. 胎座式子房内胎座的组成形状
- To produce ova;discharge eggs from the ovary. 产生卵细胞;从卵巢排卵
- Many a pearl is still hiden in the oyster. 珠藏贝壳里,只待能人取。
- Surgical removal of one ovary or both. 卵巢切除术对一个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术
- What a delicious thing is an oyster! 牡蛎可真是好东西。