- oxygen status of soil solution 土壤溶液内氧化状况
- The status of soil aggregates is an important factor affecting soil fertility. 土壤团聚体和水稳性团聚体的状况是影响土壤肥力的一个重要因素。
- Basing on the albic soil in Mingguang area of Anhui province, this paper deals with the element composition and motivation property of soil solution. 以安徽省明光地区白浆化土壤为例,分析土壤溶液元素的组成与迁移特征。
- A second more modern strategy to CRN involves use of soil enzyme inhibitors as a means of reducing large one-time releases of soluble nitrogen to the soil solution. 另一种比控释氮肥(CRN)更先进的方法是用土壤酶抑制剂来降低可溶性氮肥一次性大量释放到土壤溶液中。
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
- The status of a person on probation. 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况
- This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。
- Drainage water analyses may not indicate the composition of soil solutions accurately. 排水分析不能正确地反映土壤溶液的组成。
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- What's the status of the peace talks? 目前和谈的情况如何?
- Based on the reviews of the status of soil erosion and literatures on erosion relevant influence factors in China, this paper explores the impact of agricultural production activates on the soil erosion with the provincial data. 摘要本文在介绍我国土壤侵蚀概况的基础上,通过回顾相关文献综合影响土壤侵蚀的各种因素,利用省级数据探索了农业生产活动对土壤侵独的影响。
- It's rich there because of the fertility of soil. 因为土地肥沃,那儿很富裕。
- Abstract : According to the change of slope and hypsography intension, the 8 terrains were distinguished .then, The relations of terrains and the status of soil fertility were studied. 摘要 : 本文根据坡度和地势强度的变化把地形分为8种不同的类别,然后,分析了海南省胶园土壤肥力特性在不同地形条件下的变化。
- Clods of soil stuck to the spade. 土块黏在铁铲上。
- Identify clients at risk for unstable oxygen status. 确认病人存在氧饱和度不稳危险。
- Electrical conductivity of soil solution 土壤溶液电导率
- Displays the connection status of a selected solution or project. 显示选定的解决方案或项目的连接状态。
- The statue of Washington was as large as life. 华盛顿的塑像和真人一般大小。
- He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。
- The degree or status of a doctor as conferred by a university. 博士学位大学授予的博士学位或身份