- When we breathe, we take oxygen from the air and release CO2. 当呼吸的时候,我们从空气中吸入氧气并释放出CO2。
- Fuel cells combine oxygen from the air with hydrogen from the vehicle's fuel tank to produce electricity. 燃料电池把来自于空气中的氧和来自于汽车燃料箱的氢相结合而产生电流。
- But birds breathe in one direction, like a jet engine, with the cells of the lungs absorbing oxygen from the air as it passes by. 但是鸟类的气流是单向流动的,像一个飞机引擎,吸气时空气经微气管从体外进入气囊,呼气时气体经微气管从气囊排出体外。
- A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。
- Emphysema begins with the destruction of air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs where oxygen from the air is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the blood. 气肿 从空气神圣 (小窝的) 毁坏开始在氧气从空气被交换为碳氧化物在血液的肺。
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空气中的水分。
- A plant drinks in oxygen from the atmosphere. 植物从大气中吸取氧气。
- More oxygen from the air equates to more life sustaining oxygen to all the cells including the brain.Only when enough oxygen is getting to all the tissues can full repair and growth occur. 吸入的氧气越多,相称于身体的所有细胞,包括大脑都能够被这维系生命的气体滋养。
- Plants absorb carbon from the air. 作物从空气中吸收炭。
- The bus from the air terminal leaves at 8 o'clock. 来自航空集散站的这辆客车8点出发。
- Imus was given a two-week suspension from the air. 艾默斯被罚两周不能主持电台节目。
- The air is evacuated from the furnace. 从真空炉中抽出空气。
- The temple was clearly visible from the air. 从空中看去,那座庙宇清晰可辨。
- This is a picture of the city from the air. 这是张照片是从空中俯拍的城市全景。
- The village have attack from the air. 村子受到了空袭。
- The oger takes algae take much of the oxygen from the water. 采取的藻类大量的氧气从水中。
- The aerogen algae take much of the oxygen from the water, fish . 藻类吸收太多水中的氧气。
- Global dimming is moving from the air to the water. 全球变暗只不过是从天上转到水中而已。
- Yorg The algae take much of the oxygen from the water, fish . 水藻从水中吸走大量的氧气。
- A chemist can isolate the oxygen from the hydrogen in water. 一个化学家能把水中的氧和氢分解。