- ownership without use 虚有权
- This would allow the investor to retain share ownership without realising capital gains and without having full exposure to the downside risks. 这可让投资者保留持股权而不用变现资本增值,或面对全部的下跌风险。
- Pointless:without use or purpose.In other words,something without any point it. 不得要领:表示没有用途,没有目的。
- Write your essay without using a dictionary. 写作文时不要用词典.
- He can hardly open his mouth without using slang. 他几乎一开口就要用俚语
- Can I take my insulin without using a needle? 我能使用无针头注射器注入胰岛素吗?
- It's dangerous to turn without using a signal. 不打信号就转弯是很危险的。
- Often, these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years. 这些空空的大楼往往闲置几年以后就会被拆除了。
- You can't make such a simple decision as this without using words. 不借助词的话,你就连这样一个简单的决定也作不了。
- Names defined in an unnamed namespace may be accessed directly without use of the scope operator. 未命名的命名空间中定义的名字可以无须使用作用域操作符而直接访问。
- To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key. 不用点火钥匙而用电来发动汽车。
- Features:During replacing with florescent light tube, the cover can be opened easily without use of any tool. 换装日光灯时,免用工具即可轻易开启盖子。
- How can I download a PG text without using the web catalog? 不通过网上书目,怎样下载PG文本?
- Many crimes could not be solved without using forensic medicine. 没有法医学,很多犯罪案件无法结案。
- YVerify air flow in overhead ducts without using a ladder. 无需使用梯子即可检查屋顶的风管。
- What travels around the earth without using any fuel? 什么东西不用燃料绕着地球转?
- You should seam up the shirt without using sewing-machine. 你不要用机器去缝制这件衬衣。
- Many crimes could not be solved without using fore ic medicine. 没有法医学,很多犯罪案件无法结案。
- How do I print out to my serial printer without using the spooler? 我应该怎样能够不使用打印队列输出到我的串行打印机?
- Easy to install or uninstall without using any special tool. 易于安装于拆卸,不需任何特别的工具。