- Shops are overcrowded before Christmas. 商店在圣诞节前非常拥挤。
- The bedroom was overcrowded with furniture. 这间卧室的家具堆挤得太多。
- Shops are very overcrowded before Christmas. 商店在圣诞节前非常拥挤。
- They lived in overcrowded hovels. 他们住在过於拥挤的小屋里。
- The assembly hall was overcrowded long before the performance began. 演出开始前,大会堂里早已挤得水泄不通了。
- The bus was already overcrowded but they were still packing people in. 公共汽车已经拥挤不堪了,可是他们还在让乘客挤进来。
- At present many units are overstaffed. 现在很多单位人浮于事。
- The place was overcrowded with tourists. 那个地方挤满了观光客。
- For instance, our departments are overstaffed. 比如,我们现在机构臃肿,人浮于事。
- No wonder the firm makes a loss; the office is terribly overstaffed. 难怪公司亏损,办公室严重超编。
- The students overcrowded the cafeteria. 学生们挤在自助餐厅里。
- The suitcase was too overcrowded to close. 衣箱塞得太满,都盖不上了。
- But, how does crus overstaffed do? 可是,小腿臃肿怎么办?
- But spare overstaffed part is clear still. 但是多余的臃肿部分仍然明显。
- Management was careful not to overstaff the agency. 管理人员小心翼翼地防止本机构人员过剩
- Consider splitting up overcrowded branches. 注意疏理过度复杂的分枝。
- Let me warn you that the beach is very overcrowded. 我告诉你,海边的人会非常多。
- Cadres sit outside at the overcrowded town meeting. 陕西延安村民大会上,干部太多,只能坐在主席台外边。
- The passengers each other in the overcrowded train. 乘客彼此在拥挤的火车里。
- The bus is overcrowded with people. 车上挤满了人。