- What is the market size and competitive environment? 市场规模和竞争环境如何?
- However, Nestle milk product in China's overall market some atrophies. 但鲍尔表示,三聚氰胺事件不会影响到雀巢中国今年全年的销售目标。
- Yet compared with the overall market, the new payment systems are still small. 然而,和整个市场相比,新型支付系统所占份额仍旧很小。
- Acer's share of the notebook PC market is larger than its overall market share. 宏碁在笔记本电脑市场的占有率要高于其总体市场占有率。
- Verity leads basic search, advanced search, and taxonomy classification with a commanding overall market share. Verity在简单搜索、高级搜索、分类系统和内容分类领域,占有绝对领先的市场份额,是这个市场的领袖。
- Index A statistical measure of the changes in a portfolio of stocks representing a portion of the overall market. 衡量总体市场中部分股票组合变动的数据指标。
- "COFCO is a wide range of enterprises, which will have obstacles to the formation of the overall market. “中粮集团是个多元化的企业,这将对整体上市形成障碍。”
- It is the market size and growth potential that turn out to be the chief reasons for investment influx. 影响投资流向的主要因素是市场容量和增长潜力。
- A stock or bond that is widely believed to be an indicator of the overall market's condition. Also called bellwether. 指被广泛用于显示一般市场整体状况的代表性股票。
- On the other hand, the value of additional information about market size is small. 另一方面,关于市场规模的新的信息的价值是很小的。
- UD is for larger market size without adaptation, and OP is for smaller market size with extensive adaptation. UD是指数量很大无需考虑适配的设计;OP是指数量很少而适配量很大的产品。
- A subjective element in the overall market value of a property created by the physical presentation of the land or buildings. 物业市场价值中,对土地或建筑布局产生的主观成分。
- In addition to interest rate movements, other factors affecting the return on Notes include the term to maturity and overall market conditions. 除利率走势的因素外,其他会影响债券回报的因素包括距离到期的期限及整体市况。
- Liaise with Global Market Managers to identify and tap information sources on market size, product trends and future developments. 与全球市场经理保持联络,识别并选择关于市场大小、产品趋势和未来发展的信息的来源
- The overall market opportunity for an effective natural product to improve cognitive function is massive within the nutraceutical, functional food and OTC sectors. 在中药、功能食品和非处方药品市场中,对于能够有效促进认知功能的天然产品的市场机遇是巨大的。
- We Heng Bo supplies seamless Fu experts, said: Today, the domestic steel market performance of the overall market trend for consolidation stability. 我们恒博物资的无缝管专家付经理表示:今日,国内钢材市场整体行情表现为稳中盘整态势。
- The market size is increasing, Consumers' awareness is improving, and insurance regulations are strengthened and rationalized. 整个市场规模在不断扩大,消费者的保险意识在不断提高,保险监管也在不断加强和更加合理化。
- Analysts believe that this is the development of the company's assets Hengda as well as the overall market into a foreshadowing planted. 分析人士认为,此举为恒大开发公司的资产注入以及整体上市埋下了伏笔。
- The minimum efficient scale to market size, the capital requirement and product differentiation are factors discouraging. 进入障碍变数:最小效率规模相对市场规模,资本需求及产品差异性,则会显著地阻碍厂商进入市场。
- Of course, this all assuming is that you choose the end of the market is in a downtrend or long-term increase in the overall market access. 当然这一切假设的前提在于,你所选择的市场是处于跌势末期或长期整体上升通道中的市场。