- Scientists have amassed considerable evidence over the past decade. 科学家在过去十年内积累了相当多的证据。
- He said the problem had escalated over the past decade. 他说,在过去的十年,这个问题已经升级。
- They're the new Investor Class that has emerged over the past decade. 他们是在过去10年新出现的投资群体。
- In fact, our productivity has seen a dramatic improvement over the past decade. 事实上,我们的生产力已较过去十年大幅改善。
- Over the past decade or so, the middleware landscape has continually shifted. 过去的十年左右,中间件领域不断变化。
- Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate. 在过去的十年里,药品的价格以高于通货膨胀率两倍多的速度增长。
- Film making has also become an important industry over the past decade. 电影摄制在过去的十年中也发展成一个重要的行业。
- Deflation has been the bane of the Japanese economy over the past decade's slump. 通货紧缩已成为日本经济过去十年内大衰退的祸根。
- As a developing country,China has maintained an annual economic growth of 10.8 percent over the past decade. 中国作为发展中国家,近10年来经济发展以每年10.;8%25的速度增长。
- Much of Microsoft's activities over the past decade can be seen in the context of trying to diversify away from them. 微软在过去十年中的很多商业行为都可以被视为试图摆脱对这两大支柱的依赖,使产品多样化的过程。
- Over the past decade, US exports to China increased more than 16 percent annually. 过去10年,美国对华出口年均增长16%25以上。
- Shenzhen stock market is experiencingan upturn of efficiency over the past decade. 本文认为,深圳股票市场在经历了十年多的发展后市场效率在宏观上有所提高。
- Over the past decade China has made substantial progress in science and technology; I hope still greater progress can be made in the 1990s. 近十几年来我国科技进步不小,希望在九十年代,进步得更快。
- Over the past decade DFID in China has worked to reduce poverty through its Private Sector Development Programme. 十几年来,英国国际发展部通过贯彻实施私营部门发展项目一直致力于中国的扶贫工作。
- Rapid development in Hong Kong over the past decade has contributed to the dramatic increase in the amount of construction and demolition waste requiring disposal. 本港在过去10年发展迅速,需要处置的建筑废物急剧增加。
- Investment in China's electronic industry over the past decade focused on consumer goods. 在过去的十年里,对中国电子工业投资的重点对象是消费品。
- As a developing country, China has maintained an annual economic growth of 10.8 percent over the past decade. 中国作为发展中国家,近10年来经济发展以每年10.;8%25的速度增长,1999年国内生产总值接近1万亿美元。
- The growing popularity of Islamic finance over the past decade has provided a small boost. 日益成长的伊斯兰金融在过去的十年中提供了一个小的助推作用。
- Over the past decade the number of hazy days has increased dramatically most years (see chart). 在过去的十年中的大多数年份,烟雾弥漫的天数急剧地增加(见图表)。
- The river has narrowed down over the past 20 years. 这条河在过去的二十年变窄了许多。