- over power relay 过负荷继电器
- As is always true, placement over power. 落点优先于力道,这句话总是真实的。
- The time had now come for handing over power to a local,elected government. 是把权力交给当地选举出来的政府的时候了。
- The old government will hand over power to its successors next week. 旧政府将于下周向其继任者移交权力。
- Has a switch to ground to control a power relay, For possible initialization of other equipment. 有一个开关研控制力量中转,以方便可能需要的其它设备的初始化。
- Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给了他。
- The time had now come for handing over power to a local, elected government. 是把权力交给当地选举出来的政府的时候了。
- Reverse Power Relay A reverse power relay is a relay with a wattmeter movement that senses the direction of power flow. 逆功率继电器逆功率继电器是指带瓦特计的继电器,用来感知电流的方向。
- They're also a signal to local officials to stop bickering over power usage. 它们同样是一个使地方官员停止对能源使用方案的争吵的信号。
- Reverse power relay trip test. 逆功率脱扣试验。
- His long absence and speculation over his health have led to calls for him to hand over power to his vice-president. 他的长期不在和对她健康的猜测要求他移交总统权利给副总统。
- It prompted speculation that 64-year-old Saddam,who has ruled Iraq since 1979,is preparing to hand over power to one of his sons. 人们推测64岁的萨达姆正准备将政权移交给他的一个儿子。萨达姆自1979年开始成为伊拉克的统治者(至今已统治伊拉克20多年)。
- It prompted speculation that 64-year-old Saddam, who has ruled Iraq since 1979, is preparing to hand over power to one of his sons. 人们由这部小说推测64岁的萨达姆正准备将政权移交给他的一个儿子。萨达姆自1979年开始成为伊拉克的统治者,(至今已统治伊拉克20多年)。
- On this view, his demanding but meritocratic approach, rewarding ideas and knowledge over power, was a rejection of the injustices of communism. 基于这种观点,他要求苛刻而任人唯贤的做法,在权利行使上奖励创意和知识,正是对共产主义不公做法的批驳。
- City regulators have already balked at handing over powers to Brussels. 城市管理机构已经不惜将权力转交给布鲁塞尔。
- And hiding in your cubicle won't make the over powering smell go away. 而且,即使躲在你的小空间也无法赶走这些刺鼻的气味。
- Semiconductor switches actuate reed relays for signal circuits or power relays for other functions. 在信号电路中,以半导体开关驱动舌簧继电器;在其它程序动作电路中,以半导体开关驱动功率继电器。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。