- He rode roughshod over one opponent after another. 他把他的对手一个接一个地击败了。
- It's no use brooding over one's past mistakes. 老是抱着过去的错误是没用的。
- You are to take over one of the subdivisions. 你将接管其中一个分部。
- The column, four abreast, stretched out over one kilometre. 队伍4个人一行,长达1公里以上。
- The human eye can distinguish over one million shade s of color. 人类的眼睛能分辨一百万种以上色度深浅不同的颜色。
- It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars. 据估计,损失超过了一百万元。
- They spent over one million dollars on the campaign. 他们花了一百多万美元竞选。
- I want to glance over one time this piece of prose. 我想浏览一下这篇散文。
- Until all is over one's ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。
- Made a big fuss over one low test grade. 对区区初级考试的分数那么大惊小怪
- Hauzer’s Competence Centre is ideal for coating development, process qualification and pilot production. 豪泽技术支持中心能支持涂装研发、工艺验证及试产调研。
- Over one billion people share that plight. 面临这个不幸境遇的人在10亿以上。
- It wondered whether the Committee was not invading UNESCO's competence and the Committee for Science, Technology and Development under UNCTAD. 它不知道委员会是否侵犯了教科文组织和贸发会议的科学、技术和发展委员会的权限。
- One should not gloss over one's shortcomings. 不要隐讳自己的缺点。
- It's no use shedding tears over one little failure. 为一次小小的失败而哭泣是没有用的。
- The children love to splash water over one another. 孩子们喜欢互相往身上泼水。
- He had a black patch over one eye. 他一只眼戴着黑眼罩。
- His hat had slipped over one eye. 他的帽子滑下来遮住了一只眼睛。
- She jumped over one metre sixty-five. 她跳过了1.;65米,
- I've got over one hundred American stamps. 我有一百多张美国邮票。