- Some waste rots away over a long period of time. 有些食物要经过好长时间才会腐烂。
- What do you find over a long period of time? 长时间过后,您有什么发现吗?
- The Chinese political system has evolved over a long period of time. 中国的政治制度是长期发展形成的。
- They will spread out their payment of the loan over a long period of time. 他们将用很长时间分期偿还这笔贷款。
- Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over a long period of time. 太阳炉在很长一段时间低温烤食品。
- Teaching, of course, hasn't changed a great deal over a long period of time. 教学,当然,没有长的时段以来常常改变。
- The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time. 年深月久, 碑文已经磨灭了。
- In addition, the platform guarantees accessibility over a long period of time. 此外,该网络平台保证了长期的可靠性。
- Smoking a lot of cigarettes can harm and even kill over a long period of time. 长期大量吸烟会危害身体健康, 甚至导致死亡。
- If it works like this over a long period of time, the liver tires and may fail. 如果肝长期承受这种超负荷,则会疲惫不堪,从而可能发生功能障碍。
- We need to work hard over a long period of time to consolidate and uplift our current well-off standard of living. 巩固和提高目前达到的小康水平,还需要进行长时期的艰苦奋斗。
- This strategy is simple and yet effective because stocks give good returns over a long period of time. 这是个简单、有效的投资策略,能在长期带来不错的回报。
- Secular trend is the value of the variable that tends to increase or decrease over a long period of time. 长期趋势指的是在一个长时期内趋向增加或减少的变量的值。
- Although papyrus was widely used over a long period of time, other materials were also used for writing in ancient Egypt. 在古埃及,虽然纸莎草纸曾在一个长时期中被广泛使用,但是也有其它的书写材料。
- To take back and eat for a long period of time. 带回去慢慢吃。
- The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time. 河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。
- I studied under him for a long period of time. 我曾长时间受教于他。
- Pronto, a long period of time has passed at last! 弹指一挥间,漫长的一段时间终于过去了!
- In old China,severe national discrimination and oppression existed over a long period of time. 在旧中国,长期存在着严重的民族歧视和民族压迫。
- Some of the rubbish,such as food,paper and iron,rots away over a long period of time. 有些垃圾,如食物,纸张和铁器,时间久了就烂掉了。