- Has become an outstanding representative of Chinese stone carving. 独特的艺术风格,成为了石雕艺术的杰出代表。
- Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism. 德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。
- Kenneth Lo is an outstanding representative among the overseas Chinese in Chinese cuisine industry. 摘要罗孝建是海外华人中餐业者的杰出代表。
- Beardsley(1872-1898) was an outstanding representative of Art Nouveau in late 1890s and early 1900s. 比亚兹莱(1872-1898年)是19世纪末20世纪初杰出的英国画家。
- Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding representative of romanticism writers in latter 19th century in America. 纳撒尼尔·霍桑是十九世纪美国浪漫主义作家的杰出代表。
- Xu Yuanzhong is an outstanding representative in our translation circle who is versed in translating poetry in the poetic way. 摘要许渊冲是我国翻译界“诗体派(以诗译诗)”的杰出代表。
- As an outstanding representative, Mr.Huang Zelan, the president of Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd., was elected as a national model. 他们当中的杰出代表崇义章源公司董事长黄泽兰于2004年被评为“全国劳动模范”。
- Piaget creats a new situation, and Kohlberg is the most outstanding representative who studies moral development in this field after him. 如果说皮亚杰开创了从认知领域对道德发展研究的先河,科尔伯格则是继皮亚杰之后采用认知发展取向研究道德发展的最杰出代表。
- Balint is a famous psychoanalyst of Budapest School, the outstanding representative of the Independent School of British Object Relation of Psychoanalysis. 巴林特是布达佩斯学派著名的精神分析学家,也是英国客体关系理论独立学派的杰出代表。
- As an outstanding representative figure of the American naturalist literature, Dreiser creates a new era of the American literature by writing in naturalist style. 德莱塞是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表,他用自然主义文学创作手法开创了美国文学的一个新时代。
- As a syncretism of the elite of Chinese traditional architecture art and external culture, Chinese ancient pagoda is an outstanding representative of ancient high building. 中国的古塔融合了外来文化与中华传统建筑艺术的精华,是我国古代高层建筑的杰出代表。
- This paper discusses the natural science philosophy outlook of Bohr and Heisenberg, two most outstanding representative personers of quantum theory philosophy thought. 文章评述量子理论哲学思想的两位最杰出的代表人物玻尔和海森堡的自然科学哲学观。
- Ooekenzaburo is an outstanding representative of the post-war literature in Japan, who is also the second winner of Nobel Price for Literature after Kawabata Yasunari. 日本当代著名作家大江健三郎是继川端康成之后日本第二位诺贝尔文学奖获得者,是日本战后文学的杰出代表。
- On the other hand, they both insisted on the view to suppress reason by one's will, which made them the most outstanding representative men of voluntarism. 从意志范畴深入展开,却形成了两种迥然不同的哲学人生观,但是尼采和叔本华共同坚持用意志压制理性的基本观点,使两者成为唯意志论的最杰出代表,在反理性的战壕里树起了坚实的屏障。
- As an outstanding representative of Chongqing's poets in recent years, Liu Yongxin composes lots of poems which attract nation-wide attention and deserve a careful study. 摘要作为重庆新时期诗歌创作卓有成就的代表,对刘永馨诗歌作品的分析研究是很必要的。
- Tri-color pottery became an outstanding representative of China' s ceramic crafts during the Tang dynasty. a special .feature of the Tricolor pottery is the glazing technique used. 唐代三彩陶器是当时中国陶瓷工艺的杰出代表。唐三彩的彩釉技术是其独特的特征。
- My favorite history person is M firm especially, was born in a palace in Salzburg bandsman's home, outstanding Austria composer, outstanding representative of the classical music parties of Vienna. 我最喜爱的历史人物是莫扎特,生于萨尔兹堡一个宫廷乐师家里,杰出的奥地利作曲家,维也纳古典乐派的杰出代表。
- HU Lin-Yi is not only one of the founders of the well-known "Xiang Army" in later Qing Dynasty, but also an outstanding representative of the modern Neo-Confucianism characterized pragmatical theory. 胡林翼是晚清湘军的创始人之一,也是近代理学经世派的杰出代表。
- MTU (Mercedes) Products known in the ball completely enjoyed the highest honor, the past hundred years has been the same industry as an outstanding representative of the highest quality. MTU( 奔驰)产品家喻户晓,在完全球享有最高的荣誉,一百多年来一直作为同行业最高品质的杰出代表。
- As a most outstanding representative of the folk music of nineteenth century in Norwegian, Glieg created the music with the national characteristics and a strong flavor of rural life. 摘要作为十九世纪挪威民族音乐最杰出的代表,格里格创作出了具有本民族特色和浓厚乡土气息的音乐。