- outside air opening 外部空气通道
- A jar sealed to exclude outside air; an immigration policy that excludes undesirables. 为防止外部空气进入而密封好的坛子; 阻止不受欢迎的人进入的移民政策
- Automation system can connect the air engulf outside air compartment, send an aircraft each corners in. 自动化系统可以将外面的空气吸进通风室,送到飞行器里的各个角落。
- Prevention depends on adequate ventilation, with venting of combustion devices to the outside air. 预防之道在于保持通风环境,并且燃烧废气能有效排室外。
- Your car's air conditioner cleans and dehumidifies (removes excess moisture), the outside air entering your car. 你的轿车里的空调起到清洁和除湿(带走多余的水汽)的作用,把外面的空气带进你的轿车里。
- After a scorching day, the evening outside air is often dryer and cooler than the air inside. 在火烤般白天结束后,往往户外晚上时的空气要比室内更干燥、更凉爽。
- The pressure in the buffer area should be positive to assure the indoor air could not flow to outside and the outside air could not flow to the inside. 在缓冲间内,可设置正压,使室内空气不流向室外,室外空气不流向室内。
- Air tank is located in the vertical arm, round vertical arm can instead of the outside air tank, save the working area, effectively use the space. 储气罐为内置,用圆立柱代替外露在机器外面的储气罐,可最大限度的减少机器的占地面积,从而可以有效的利用空间。
- Water in the sand between the two pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving. 两个罐子中间沙子中的水通过大罐子表面蒸发掉,不断蒸发到外面干燥的空气中。
- Water in the sand between the 2 pots evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving. 2个罐子之间沙子中的水分会透过大罐子的表面蒸发掉,当外面较干燥的空气在流动时。
- With chilly temperatures year-round, the data centre can be cooled just by sucking in outside air and blowing it through the rooms. 由于一年四季都很寒冷,该数据中心只需吸收外部空气,使其在室内流通,就能达到冷却效果。
- In addition to outside air inlet, where gas leakage pores, it should be blocked strict, such as patching, plug of cotton and paste glue paper. 除进风口以外,如有漏气孔隙,应当堵严,如贴胶布,塞棉花,贴胶水纸等。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。
- Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air. 奥乔亚向记者带领记者参观了一个黑色塑料盖,它覆盖着一座游泳池大小的水泥猪粪池,以防止其与外界空气接触。
- Water in the center sand between the two parts 2 pots evaporates through the surface of the larger part pot, where dryer out sight ear drier outside air is moving. 当较大的壶表面是更干燥流动的空气时,处于两个壶间的沙中的水就通过其表面蒸发出去。
- Keywords Stillage;Step control;Air open;Air close; 反应釜;分程控制;气开式;气关式;
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Open the air hole; the fire is dying down. 把气孔打开,火要熄了。