- The ratio of output power from an amplifier system, to the input power. Gain is normally measured in decibels. 放大系统的输出功率与输入功率之比,增益通常用分贝表示。
- In order to efficient extract the maximum output power from a photovoltaic (PV) system it is important to have an efficient Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT). 摘要 一种高效的最大功率跟踪方法对于提高光伏发电系统的输出效率是非常重要的。
- Abstract: In this paper, we describe the design and function, application of the power unit controller for mini RF excited CO2 laser, pulse width modulation (PWM) is the convenient way to vary the laser average output power from 1%to 100%of maximum. 文摘:述了小型RF激励CO2激光器的功率控制器设计、功能和应用,根据脉宽调制原理可以方便地把激光功率从1%25变化到100%25。
- Methods: Excision the leukoplakia with continuous pulse CO2 laser of output power from 8 to 24 watts under the uphold laryngoscope and microscope when the patients are given general anesthesia. 方法:全麻悬吊喉镜显微镜下配合输出功率8-24瓦连续脉冲的CO2激光切除声带白斑病变。结果:悬吊喉镜显微镜下CO2激光治疗声带白斑30例。其中不伴有非典型增生的角化18例,治愈率100%25(18/18)。
- Fluid Refractive-Index Sensor Base on Return Strength from Fiber End 基于光纤端面回波的流体折射率传感器
- We have to fight to wrest power from our rulers. 我们必须斗争才能从统治者手中夺取政权。
- The output power can never equal the input power, for there are always losses. 输出功率绝不能等于输入功率,因为总存在着损耗。
- I get more power from a forearm,overhead shot. 从臂上及头顶的打击,我能得到较多的力量击球。
- The Moon receives 13,000 TW of power from the sun. 月球从太阳获得的发电能力高达13000万亿瓦。
- Output power is stable, it can work in all weather. 输出功率稳定,可全天候工作;
- Adaptive output power minimizes interference. 可变的电源输出使干扰减小到最
- They plotted to wrest power from the king. 他们图谋篡夺国王的权力。
- Wine is the stems of kudzu paper made from fiber processing. 葛布是葛藤的茎皮纤维加工制成的。
- A common theme in horror stories is of a monstrous creature raised by supernatural power from the dead. 恐怖故事中的一个共同主题是关于一个由超自然的力量使之从死亡中复活过来的怪物。
- If the output power is demanded above 1 kW,the fiber laser must be cooled by water. 要达到kW以上功率输出,必须对光纤进行主动水冷。
- The saint.is endued with power from god. 圣人有上帝赋予的力量。
- The usurper wrested the power from the king. 篡位者从国王手里夺取了权力。
- The most common CGA washers are made from fiber, nylon, PTFE (Teflon?) or CTFE. 最普通的CGA垫圈用纤维、尼龙、PTFE(特氟纶)或CTFE制造。
- The minimum output power is more than 150 mW high end of at Ku band using a test cavity, and the efficiency of conversion is more than 5%. 该器件在Ku波段高端输出功率大于 15 0mW ,转换效率大于 5%25。
- Thread made from fibers of the flax plant. 亚麻线从亚麻植物纤维制成的线