- output of welded pipe 焊管产量
- On basis of elastic bend theory,it give out calculation formula of welded pipe HME forming core roller torque. 基于弹塑性弯曲工程理论,给出了焊管连续扭转(HME)成型芯辊直径的理论计算公式。
- The experimental results and application effects of weld toughness of spirally submerged arc welded pipe are introduced. 本文介绍了埋弧焊钢管焊缝韧性试验研究的结果及工业生产应用效果。
- The paper involves an investigation into the new manufacture technology of earthen pipe for automobile shock absorber, which is made of welded pipe. 研究了以焊管为原料生产汽车减震器缸体管的新工艺。
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车。
- Online Flattener is main equipment of welded pipe unit,the property of Flattener is very important to ensure production of welded pipe with larger wall thickness going well. 焊管机组在线矫平机是焊管生产线的主要设备之一,为了确保高强度、大直径、厚壁焊管生产的顺利进行,矫平机的性能十分重要。
- Because of using rectangular billet in traditional production process of welded pipe, the barb, faulty soldering and formations of agglomerated ball etc. 传统焊管因采用矩形坯料使焊缝存在毛刺、虚焊、焊缝起镏等,影响产品质量。
- With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- Aiming to the detection of weld in the spire welded pipe, line scanning X-ray digital imaging technology was adopted, and a new type of nondestructive testing equipment was designed. 针对螺旋焊管管端焊缝的检测,采用线扫描X射线数字成像技术,设计了一套新型无损检测设备。
- The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycle. 这些措施能使我们的自行车产量加倍。
- The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycles. 这些措施能使我们的自行车产量加倍。
- Plate Edge Process of Welded Pipe Production 焊管生产中带钢的板边加工
- A gradual change in the output of a circuit or amplifier. 逐渐改变电路或放大器输出功率的逐渐改变
- Based on the technology of edge detection by wavelet transform,a new method of detecting seam of welding pipe using Gauss wavelet is proposed. 在小波边沿检测技术的基础上 ,提出了一种基于Gauss小波的焊缝检测的新技术。
- The yearly output of coal was quartered in a year. 煤炭年产量一年中减少到原来的四分之一。
- Because of the complex and hard-manipulative process of welded pipe, modern design method such as CAD/CAE/CAM is used for developing research job of related prototyping technologies of ERW (Electrical Resistance Welding). 由于焊管成型过程复杂,成型质量不易控制,因此借助CAD/CAE/CAM现代设计方法,开展高频直缝焊管成型相关技术研究对于进一步提高焊管产品质量,开发新焊管产品具有很好的推动作用。
- Their output of data does not slow computation. 它的数据输出不会延缓计算。
- Its output of bulb of CTT is No.1 in the world. 彩玻生产规模位居世界第一。
- A is the nominal output of the auxiliary signal. A是附加信号的额定输出。
- Quick and Accurate Calculation Method of Welded Pipe Blank Width 焊管管坯宽度的快捷准确计算法