- output drive supply voltage 输出激励电源电压
- Like the transformer coupled circuit, the choke feed in the parafeed circuit allows the output to swing above and below the power supply voltage. 和变压器耦合电路一样,旁馈电路中地扼流圈也能容许输出在高于和低于高压的情况下波动。
- Ohmic resistance measured between the supply voltage connections. 供电电路中测得的电阻(欧姆)。
- Features: Low VCE(sat),High performance at low supply voltage. 特点:饱和压降低,功率高和电压小。
- R1 charges up the negative side of C1 to the supply voltage, VDD. R1将C1的负向充电到供电电压VDD。
- It is designed with outputs for a direct high current gate drive of an all N-channel power MOSFET three phase bridge with a maximum supply voltage of 38 V. 该产品可为全N通道功率MOSFET三相桥的直接大电流门极驱动提供输出,最大电源电压为38 V。
- A gearing device that causes the output drive shaft to rotate at a slower rate than the engine input shaft. 低档使输出传动轴转速慢于引擎输入轴的齿轮装置
- New FET-input amplifiers, like the AD820 family of amplifiers, incorporate design improvements that prevent output voltage phase reversal for signals within the rated supply voltage range. 新型的FET输入管放大器(如AD820系列放大器),在设计上做了改善,对于额定电源电压范围之内的信号,能够防止输出电压相位反转。
- Each input of a device presents a load on the output driving it. 器件的每一个输入端都是加给驱动它的器件输出端的负载。
- In data output circuit, the MOS transistor works at a high speed when the supply voltage increases in low temperature. Then the variety speed of the output signal is so high that many disturbing signals are aroused. 数据输出电路在电源电压升高而温度很低的情况下;MOS管工作速度快;会使输出信号变化率过大而产生许多干扰信号.
- This capacitance is discharged when the supply voltage is switched on. 为什么电源电压接通时电容是放电?
- This equates to reclosing with twice the supply voltage on the motor. 这等于再合闸电机上有两倍的电源电压。
- Two wires for the supply voltage and one for the receiver's R/C sum signal. 通常没有被引出,所以我们要打开接收机找到其中的那个焊点,将它引出。
- Digital Logic of Stepping Moter Driving Supply Designed with EPROM. 用EPROM设计的步进电机驱动电源的数字逻辑
- This paper presents a novel current source which is insensitive to supply voltage. 摘要这篇论文提出了一个和电源电压变动无关的新式电流源。
- In terms of DSIM, this means that the gate outputs drive either an SLO (strong low) or a FLT (floating) logic state. 按照DSIM来说,这意味着逻辑门的输出既不是低状态也不是浮动状态。
- Because the power supply rejection of most ADCs is fairly high, drifts in the power supply voltage do not adversely affect the measurement. 由于多数模数转换器的电源滤波是相当高,电源电压有害地偏差不影响这次测量。
- For mains-independent service in the field, the sensor can operate with a supply voltage of 6V. 传感器独立于主电源工作,可以在6伏的供电电压下运行。
- Power Supply Rejection: The ratio of the change in input offset voltage to change in power supply voltage producing it. 电源抑制比,输入失调电压变化量与引起该变化的电源电压变化量之比。
- The Voltage Selector Setting should be checked to see that it conforms to the local AC supply voltage. 必须查看本机交流电压选择器之预调状态是否符合本地交流电压。