- output beam energy 输出光束能量
- EB inks is the electron beam energy to curing the WGT. EB油不朱是拔取电子束能量举行固化的兼用油不朱。
- The experiment results of laser output beam pointing stability by measured with CCD camera is prevented. 报导用CCD摄像机检测激光器输出光束的指向稳定性的实验结果。
- The mirror with an elliptic inner hole deflects the output beam of laser to a CCD sensor. 为了验证这个理论的正确性,设计了光学谐振腔稳定实验装置。
- When a Fabry-Perot etalon was inserted into the resonator,an output beam with a bandwidth of 0.02 nm and a power of 150 mW was obtained. 同时在腔内插入标准具;使得输出激光线宽达到0.;02 nm;输出功率在150 mW。
- A high beam energy is also used to stimulate x-ray emission of higher-energy peaks. 高能量电子束也能用来激发高能量X射线峰的发射。
- The smaller the aperture width is, the more obvious the effects of misaligned parameters on output beam performances are. 随光阑宽度变小,各失调量对输出光束特性的影响越明显。
- The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0. 电子射程随着原子序数的减少和入射束能量E0的增加而增加。
- The output beam of diode pumped solid -state laser (DPL) has minute random variation in direction, which results in the restrictions on the appliance of DPL. 摘要二极管泵浦固体激光器(DPL)输出光束的方向在某个微小范围内存在随机变化,这种光束指向性的波动在某种程度上严重制约了DPL的应用。
- In the article Criswell proposes a Lunar Solar Power (LSP) System,using arrays of solar cells on the lunar surface to beam energy back to Earth. 克里斯威尔在文章中提出了月球太阳能发电系统(LSP),该系统利用置于月球表面的太阳能电池组,将电能送回地球。
- Limited by characteristic discharging structure and oscillating cavity, the beam energy profile of the excimer laser appears asymmetrically. 摘要由于放电结构及谐振腔的限制,准分子激光光斑呈现不均的分布。
- In the article Criswell proposes a Lunar Solar Power (LSP) System, using arrays of solar cells on the lunar surface to beam energy back to Earth. 克里斯威尔在文章中提出了月球太阳能发电系统(LSP),该系统利用置于月球表面的太阳能电池组,将电能送回地球。
- The researchers explained that through a beam energy hit cepheid variable, might cause its essence to elevate temperature and to inflate, thus caused it to have the vibration. 研究人员解释说,通过一束能量撞击造父变星,可以引起其内核升温并膨胀,从而导致其发生震动。
- The measurement accuracy of electron beam by using semiconductor detector is easily affected by beam energy, dose rate, beam incidence direction, environment temperature etc. 摘要电子束半导体探测器的测量精度易受到射线的能量、剂量率、入射方向和环境温度等条件的影响。
- For a CW Ti: sapphire rins laser without optical diode, there are two output beams corresponding to two oppositely traveling waves in the cavity. 在连续钛宝石环形激光腔中,无光学单向器时存在相向传播的两束光波,有两个对应的输出光束。
- In electronics, the ability of the CRT phosphor dots to withstand local over - heating due to the conversion into heat of the residual energy of the electron beam, i.e.that part of the electron beam energy that is not converted into visible light. 在电子学中,指阴极射线管的荧光粉承受局部过热的能力,这种过热是由于电子束的残余能量,即电子束没有转变成可见光的那部分能量,转变成了热。
- A method for measuring electron beam energy spectrum of linear accelerator with transducer of a multi-strip metel target is introduced. Its principle, circuit and design are discussed. 介绍了用一种多条金属靶传感器测量直线加速器电子束流能谱的方法,主要讨论其原理和电路设计时应考虑的问题。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- In electronics, the ability of the CRT phosphor dots to withstand local over- heating due to the conversion into heat of the residual energy of the electron beam, i.e. that part of the electron beam energy that is not converted into visible light. 在电子学中,指阴极射线管的荧光粉承受局部过热的能力,这种过热是由于电子束的残余能量,即电子束没有转变成可见光的那部分能量,转变成了热。
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车。