- The reflow process relies on the temperature profile setting. 回流过程依赖于温度曲线的设定。
- The most common division of the atmosphere has been by its temperature profile. 大气最通常的划分是用它的温度廓线。
- The radial temperature profile of the experimental dewar hasbeen measured. 测量了实验杜瓦的轴向温度分布.
- A static analysis of steady temperature profile for tire with FEA was made. 介绍了轮胎稳态温度场分布的有限元静态分析。
- Both outlet temperature and CC are proportional to coal slurry concentration and [O]/[C] ratio. 出口温度和碳转化率随煤浆浓度和[O]/[C]原子比的增加而增高。
- Calibrate the mixed water outlet temperature by placing a thermometer in the mixed water stream. 在混合水流内放置温度计,校准混合水出口的温度。
- This valve requires periodic inspection and verification of the outlet temperature by a licensed contractor. 这种阀门需要由得到许可的承包商进行定期检查和确认出水口温度。
- The effect of outlet temperature and pressure of the debenzolization partial condenser on the rough benzol qualiy and output is explained and analysed. 分析了脱苯分缩器出口温度、压力对粗苯质量、产量的影响。
- This study thus provides an effective technical approach to adjust the outlet temperature field and develop the combustor. 该研究为燃烧室出口温度场的调试及燃烧室的研制提供了一条有效的技术途径。
- Temperature profile in the gain medium is obtained.An interferogram of the gain medium is described. 结果表明片状固体增益介质热容方式工作对振荡光束波前畸变影响很小。
- There is a close correlation between the characteristics of temperature profile and thickness of fog. 分析还显示:平流雾过程中,温度廓线特征与雾体厚度关系密切。
- Analysis was made on how concentration of pulverized coal, primary air, mill outlet temperature and pulverized coal fineness affected ion ignition. 分析了煤粉浓度、一次风速、二次风量、磨煤机出口温度和煤粉细度等因素对其点火性能的影响;
- On basis, a model of 1-D temperature profile for two layers (charring and virgin material) is established. 烧蚀计算中, 考虑热化学作用,进行了化学烧蚀计算。
- Simplified approach to the radial temperature profile in highly sensitive fixed-bed reactors is suggested. 对高参数灵敏性固定床反应器的径向温度分布作了简化处理。
- The paper introduces the measures,such as decreasing recycle ratio,shortening coke-forming time,and rasing outlet temperature of oven to improve the severity of delay-coking unit. 介绍了镇海炼化延迟焦化装置为提高苛刻度所采取的降低循环比、缩短生焦时间、提高加热炉出口温度等措施情况。
- The fuel and the compressor's IGV control algorithms are presented for the normal load regulating by combining the load and the turbine's outlet temperature control. 本文将负荷控制与透平出口温度控制相结合,提出了正常负荷调整时的燃料量和压气机入口导叶控制算法。
- There are concerns about the temperature profile components and boards can sustain to not jeopardize their functionality. 关于线路板能够承受的温度特性曲线不致影响元器件的功能方面存在着人们关注的一些问题。
- The inlet and outlet temperature of the evaporator can reach the steady evaporating temperature in a short time and the superheated temperature can be maintained in a small range. 蒸发器入口和出口的温度在开机很短时间内就能达到稳定的蒸发温度,并能稳定在很小的过热度范围内。
- The Multiple Hearth Furnace is able to process very small raw material grain sizes and allows the adjustment of an accurate temperature profile. 可以处理非常小粒度的原料,允许精确的温度曲线的调整。
- Wellbore temperature profile model in condensate gas well is deduced in which Joule-Thompson coefficient and quantity of heat from variety of phase state are considered. 推导了凝析气井筒温度分布模型,模型中考虑了焦耳-汤姆逊效应随井深的变化,以及发生相变时的相变潜热;