- outlay for party affairs 党务经费
- Financial allocation is a chief source of Kuomintang's outlay for party affairs. The other sources are its party membership dues and special tax,funds to society, and domestic and foreign donation. 国民党党务经费来源的主渠道是财政拨款,其他来源还有收党费和特别捐,向社会筹集资金和海内外捐款等。
- Financial allocation is a chief source of Kuomintang's outlay for party affairs.The other sources are its party membership dues and special tax, funds to society, and domestic and foreign donation. 国民党党务经费来源的主渠道是财政拨款,其他来源还有收党费和特别捐,向社会筹集资金和海内外捐款等。
- professional cadres for Party affairs 党务干部
- He is the applicant for Party membership. 他是入党申请人。
- He applied for Party membership. 他申请入党。
- You can expect a higher outlay for rent in a city than in the country. 城市的房租比农村要高。
- He was my sponsorwhen applied for party membership. 他是我的入党介绍人。
- She recommended me for party membership. 她介绍我入党。
- He speech was an appeal for party unity. 她的演说要求党团结一致。
- Are they really qualified for Party membership? 他们是不是合乎党员的条件呢?
- Roman: Where are you going for party? 罗文:你又去了哪开派对呢?
- A comfy little Club, good for party and dancing. 阿舒适的小俱乐部,良好的党和跳舞。
- He was my sponsor when applied for party membership. 他是我的入党介绍人。
- She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership. 她是我的入党介绍人。
- In the final analysis, we must manage Party affairs in such a way as to prevent trouble. Then we can sleep soundly. 说到底,关键是我们共产党内部要搞好,不出事,就可以放心睡大觉。
- In the final analysis,we must manage Party affairs in such a way as to prevent trouble. Then we can sleep soundly. 说到底,关键是我们共产党内部要搞好,不出事,就可以放心睡大觉。
- The requirements for Party membership must be strict. 对党员的要求一定要严格。
- Printing presses, the main capital outlay for newspapers, last for decades and are depreciating peacefully with little need for new cash. 印刷机是报纸出版商主要的资金支出项目,它能用几十年,慢慢变旧而不需投入新的资金。
- From 1998 to 2001, the subsidy outlay for this from the central finance alone attained the grand total of 86.1 billion yuan. 1998年至2001年,仅中央财政对基本养老保险补贴支出就达861亿元。