- out Sipping Tea 在外喝茶
- Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside. 在路边啜着茶。
- He was alone, sipping tea, when she got there. 此时他正独自一人,端茶轻啜。
- Had we just stayed put like I suggested,we can be sipping tea out of little heart-shaped cups. 如果你们听我的建议;我们现在说不定正捧着心型小杯子;喝下午茶呢.
- They sniffed him out immediately and took him," says Sultan proudly, sipping tea in a back-street cafe in Tikrit. 于是,他只能执行命令,让一半士兵“解甲归田”,并眼看着另外一半眨眼间也走了个一干二净。
- Guests appreciate the delicate designs of the tea set while sipping tea. 客人一边啜茶一边欣赏茶具上的精美图案。
- If I do have sparetime, I'd like to go to a teahouse to sip tea with friends. 如果我有空余时间的话,我喜欢去茶馆和朋友品茶。
- Elderly people may speed their whole day in teahouses, sipping tea and playing cards. 老年人可以一整天呆在茶馆里品茶、打牌。
- The two sat on wooden chairs by a field of garlic on a gray afternoon, sipping tea with visitors. 在一个昏暗的下午,他们俩坐在靠近一堆大蒜的木制椅子上,同来访者喝茶。
- His job is really relaxing. Every day he sits there sipping tea and reading the newspaper. 他的工作真悠闲,每天坐在那里喝喝茶,看看报纸。
- Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely, sipping tea in the bar by the roadside (just relax, just relax). 像天空一样忧郁,晒得黝黑而且孤单,在路边的酒吧里浅啜着茶(放轻松、放轻松)。
- Perhaps one day those men in colorful robes, sipping tea to the sounds of an erhu, will be doing it in a Starbucks. 也许有一天,人们可以身着彩服在星巴克里的二胡声中慢慢品茶。
- I imagined colorfully robed men sitting around lacquered tables, leisurely sipping tea to the soft sounds of an erhu. 我想象着那里身着五颜六色长袍的人们,围坐在漆器木桌旁,在二胡轻柔的音乐中,悠闲地呷上一口清茶。
- Sipping tea, chatting, and listening to the Voice of Free China are other ways of dealing with homesickness. 聊天、喝老人茶、听自由中国之声也是聊慰乡愁的方法。
- Sipping tea and appraising its flavor and quality is to define the quality of the tea through personal feelings. 品茶,就是借助于感觉来感知茶叶的品质高下。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- Some Chinese families today still stay up late to observe the occasion eating mooncakes, sipping tea and gazing at the beautiful moon. 一些中国家庭在今天,到深夜也不睡觉,吃月饼,饮茶,凝视着美丽的月亮。
- Getting together in leisure hours to chat and sip tea is a way of relieving homesickness. 閒暇时,大夥儿串串门子,品茶谈心,可以稍慰乡愁。
- Visitors to his beach house in the Comoros might find him, surrounded by his children from seven different pretty women, sipping tea under a frangipani tree. 拜访德纳尔在科摩罗海边小屋的游客可能会发现上校,七位美丽夫人为他所生的孩子们会围着他打转,他也在一棵素馨花下悠闲自得地品尝着茶点。
- Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach,Mobster thugs sitting in cafes,sipping tea in little glasses,sugar cubes between their teeth,Go back where you fucking came from! 操那些布莱顿海滩上的俄国人,那帮坐在咖啡店里的暴徒,戴着墨镜喝着茶,糖勺放在牙齿中间,都他妈的从哪来就回哪去吧!