- Other rights that shall be enjoyed by copyright owners. 十七)应当由著作权人享有的其他权利。
- Other rights that shall be enjoyed by software copyright owners. (九)应当由软件著作权人享有的其他权利。
- The right to settlement of labour disputes and other rights as provided by law. 提请劳动争议处理的权利以及法律规定的其他劳动权利。
- Your fair dealing and other rights are in no way affected by the above. 您的合理使用以及其他权利不受上述规定的影响。
- Committing other acts of infringement of copyright and of other rights and interests related to copyright. 其他侵犯著作权以及与著作权有关的权益的行为。
- This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 被保证授予您特殊的权利,您可以拥有其他各州不同的权利。
- And all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. 以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域里一切其他来自知识、活动的权利。
- In other words, when an employee accepts the right of using the residence, he will surrender other rights. 因而,当该职员接受了房屋使用权利的时候,就放弃了其他形式的权利。
- In criminal litigation, the advocates' personal rights are the foundation of other rights. 在刑事诉讼中,辩护律师人身权是律师一切权利的基础。
- The certificate of ownership or other rights have not been before issued according to the Regulation. 一一依本规则规定未发给所有权状或他项权利证明书者。
- The names and domiciles of owners or holders of other rights applying to be registered. 一申请登记为所有权人或他项权利人之姓名、住址。
- Hong Kong residents shall enjoy the other rights and freedoms safeguarded by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 香港居民享有香港特别行政区法律保障的其他权利和自由。
- Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now(= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). 安和乔两人现在互不理睬。
- The Hong Kong Garrison and its members shall also enjoy other rights and immunities prescribed by the laws in force in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 香港驻军和香港驻军人员并享有在香港特别行政区实施的法律规定的其他权利和豁免。
- Others will argue for the right of self expression, or some other right. 其他人则争辩说是自我表达的权利或其他权利。
- A suspension by Aconex of any of the User's rights is not in itself termination of this Agreement and all other rights and obligations will continue. Aconex对用户任何权利的暂停之本身不构成对本协议的终止,其所有其他权利义务都将继续。
- Hong Kongresidents shall enjoy the other rights and freedoms safeguarded by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 第三十八条香港居民享有香港特别行政区法律保障的其他权利和自由。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- The time when some ones bereave others’ right of speaking should be ended. 那种由少数人控制其他人的话语权的时代应当成为过去。)
- Macao residents shall enjoy the other rights and freedoms safeguarded by the laws of the Macao Special Administrative Region. 第四十一条澳门居民享有澳门特别行政区法律保障的其他权利和自由。