- Marketing boards are also common in other regions. 在其它地区,经销机构也很普遍。
- Free medical care for women is provided in Tibet and other regions. 对西藏等地区的妇女实行免费医疗。
- The outbreak appears to be extending to other regions as well. 暴发也似乎正在向其它行政区扩散。
- Map of the spread of papermaking skills to other regions. 造纸术外传图。
- But outsourcing will move on to other regions tomorrow. 但外包将继续在其他地区的明天。
- Lead the IT guy in other region to fix problems in SAP. 领导其他区域IT部门人员解决SAP故障和问题。
- One was the emphasis on the fact that other regions of WIPO had to be included. 第一就是强调事实上技术援助也应该包括WIPO的其他地区。
- Championships for Other Regional Groupings. 其他区域群组之锦标赛。
- Growth in Asia ex-Japan will clearly outstrip that of other regions. 除日本以外的亚洲经济增长显然将领跑世界其他地区。
- No other region of France stirs the imagination as strongly as Provence. 最喜欢的法国地区,不是“浪漫之都”巴黎,而是普罗旺斯。
- That's unlikely,but the White House may be starting to realize he's a tremendous resource in other regions,too. 这不太可能,但白宫开始认识到他对其他地区的情况也了如指掌。
- Japan's plan is to occupy northern China and Shanghai as the first step and then to occupy other regions of China. 日本的计划,第一步是占领华北和上海,第二步是占领中国的其他区域。
- The clustered rate and the proportion of Beijing genotype in Guangdong were lower than that in other regions. 广东地区成簇率和北京基因型所占比例均显著低于其他地区。
- Identify and mentor successors to extend the project management quadrant to other regions of the PRC. 确定和指导继任者,将工程管理扩展到中国的其他地区。
- It is not uncommon for stocks fished sustainably in one part of the world to be overfished in other regions. 有些鱼类品种在某些地方经可持续发展的方式捕捉,但在其他地区却遭过度捕捞,这个情况并非罕见。
- This applies with still greater force to other regional power groups. 其他各地方实力派更不待论。
- In 2006, Russia not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the big market for a number of raids. 2006年,俄不仅在莫斯科地区,而且在其他地区对大市场进行了多次查抄。
- The species and amount of Sphingidae and Noctuidae in this region are more than that of the other regions. 根据调查结果,在该地区天蛾科和夜蛾科的种类较其他种类多。
- Regarding other regions, IATA says European, Latin American and African carriers are expected to record large losses. 谈到其他地区,据IATA,欧洲,拉丁美洲和非洲的航空公司预期有很大亏损。
- Other regions have begun to gradually grow up, Europe and Asia are the regions with considerable potential. 其他地区也开始逐渐地成长,欧洲区和亚洲区都是具有相当潜力的区域。