- Used as a respectful form of address. 用作表示尊敬的称呼
- Used as a form of address for a man;mister. 先生用于称呼男子
- The proper form of address for a cleric. 神职人员讲话的适当形式。
- Used as a form of address for a group of men. 各位先生对一群男子的称呼
- Used as a form of address for such a man. 老爷,大人用作对这种人的称呼
- Used as a form of address for a man; mister. 先生用于称呼男子。
- Used as a form of address for such a woman. 用作对女修道院院长的称呼。
- Drug pushing usually goes hand in hand with other forms of organized crime. 贩毒常常同其它有组织的犯罪形式密切相关。
- In this case, you'd want to use some other form of authentication. 这种情况下,就要考虑其它方式的认证。
- The electrical energy transformable into some other form of energy. 可以转换为某些其他形式能量的电能。
- All other forms of food had disappeared. 其它形式的食物全都绝迹了。
- All other forms of taxation were disorganized. 所有其它各种税收都陷入紊乱状态。
- What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop? 给主教写信应该怎样称呼?
- Used as a form of address for a marquis, an earl, or a viscount. 勋爵用作侯爵、伯爵或子爵的称呼
- Used as a familiar form of address for a boy or young man. 小家伙,指对小男孩或年轻人使用的一种亲昵称呼形式。
- Ultraviolet radiation threatens other forms of life as well. 紫外线辐射也威胁着其他形式的生命。
- The form of address is a phenomenon of both language and culture. 称谓是一种语言现象 ,也是一种文化现象。
- Since electricity is a kind of energy, it can be changed into other forms of energy. 既然电是一种能,它就可以转变成其他形式的能。
- Used as a form of address for a man whose name is unknown. 老兄(弟)用来称呼一个不知其姓名的男子。
- Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a person of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment recall. 亲爱的——是当你和一位异性讲话而霎时间想不起其姓名之时用的一般称谓方式。