- And source of REVENUE for Govt is Corporate TAXES. 政府预算的来源是公司税收。
- Other proposals range from a payroll-tax holiday to the elimination of all corporate taxes. 另外还有一些涉及从减免工薪税到取消所有公司税的提案。
- Taxation on wealth typically involves personal and corporate taxes. 财产税一般针对个人和公司的财产。
- He buddied up with the other corporal. 他与另外那个班长交了朋友。
- Sound knowledge of Chinese corporate tax. 充分的中国行政税务方面的知识;
- Corporate tax base is very mobile. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。
- Creating a 20% minimum corporate tax. 设立20%25这一最低公司税。
- How are dividends and other corporate actions managed by the BOOM system? BOOM系统如何处理股息及其他股东权责?
- The CKO will differ in method and purpose from other corporate executives. CKO与其他的执行官对事情的做法和定义会有差异。
- By cooking his books Jim didn't pay any corporation tax at all last year. 吉米采用篡改帐目的方法,去年一年根本没交任何公司税。
- When you receive a dividend or other corporate action, you will be notified by the internal BOOM-Mail system. 当阁下收到股息,或牵涉其他股东权责时,BOOM会透过电邮通知阁下。
- They slashed income and corporate taxes and supported employers' campaigns to eliminate unions. 他们大幅度消减收入和企业税,支持雇主消除工会的运动。
- Mister Walji says Google.org can give money called grants much like other corporate foundations. 谷歌也将出资帮助今年早期宣布的两项气候变化项目。
- New corporation taxes will take effect on all corporations soon. 新企业税不久将来对所有公司都会生效.
- Serving foreign markets can be an attractive way for a company to generate growth and higher profits and meet other corporate objectives. 国外市场业务,是一个公司获取高利润及满足公司其它目标的一种诱人方式。
- Several small companies has gone to the wall since the government raised the rate corporation tax. 自从政府提高公司税率以来,已有好几家小公司倒闭了。
- Since the episode with the USGA I’ve since been confronted by other corporate bullies whose actions threatened to damage me in one way or another. 一天,这个魔鬼(我已经忘了他的名字)和我以及另外几个人回营房打扫卫生。
- Usage: Use of a song by a record label or other corporate entity, as a downloadable printed product delivered via the world wide web. 使用范围:由唱片商标或其它团体公司,将赞美之泉歌曲方在网页上,提供作为一个可以购买下载的歌本产品档案。
- Beijing has temporarily suspended the collection of corporate taxes from Chinese mutual funds in an attempt to boost the country's slumping stock prices. 中国政府已经暂停对中国的共同基金征收企业所得税,希望以此提振中国下跌的股价。
- Madam Agnes Abolimpoh , case worker of the Home in her acceptance speech, thanked the DDFC for the support and appealed to other corporate bodies to emulate the gesture. "儿童之家"干事艾格尼斯女士在受赠仪式上感谢了德罗巴球迷俱乐部的支持;同时也号召更多的组织团体效仿这样的义举.